The Monday Brief - Will the British Destroy the Dollar This Week? - October 21, 2024

The IMF meets in Washington this week to finalize a plan to steal Russia's assets to finance their Ukraine War. This is destroying the dollar as the world's reserve currency, something which Donald Trump describes as the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on the U.S. economy.

The Monday Brief - Will the British Destroy the Dollar This Week? - October 21, 2024
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The IMF meets in Washington this week to finalize a plan to steal Russia's assets to finance their Ukraine War.  This is destroying the dollar as the world's reserve currency, something which Donald Trump describes as the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on the U.S. economy.  In Russia, the BRICS will meet in an effort to come up with a new payment system, one not based on the post-World War II British order.  It is increasingly clear that Donald Trump's opposition to their Order is why they want to kill him and why he is overwhelmingly winning the American people to his side. 

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Henry Kissenger and the British Foreign Office

What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0
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Transcript: The Monday Brief - Will the British Destroy the Dollar This Week? - October 21, 2024

Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. It's Monday. This is Barbara Boyd, and this is your Monday Brief. I'm gonna cover the campaign at the end. But there are two big meetings which are taking place this week amidst the final two weeks of this U. S. presidential campaign. In Washington, the IMF and the World Bank will be holding their annual confab to set the economic agenda for the new world order.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their collective, the collective who runs them, salutes the modern British financial empire, which they call the rules based international order. That is rules for them. It is Donald Trump's direct attacks on this order, his reassertion of America's economic and political sovereignty, which have caused them to try to jail him or kill him.

On Tuesday in Kazan, Russia, nations [00:01:00] representing the other 50 percent of the world's humanity are also meeting in the form of the BRICS. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are the original members. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the UAE were added in 2024, with Saudi Arabia reportedly accepting the invitation to join, but delaying, for now, formally joining.

Other major nations are seeking membership ahead of the meeting. The IMF and World Bank are expected to confirm a new financing arrangement to support the continued slaughter in Ukraine, at least through the election. The proposal is to use interest payments from Russia's assets, which were illegally seized, as punishment for the Ukraine war.

Like much of the activity of the IMF and World Bank, this financial arrangement is [00:02:00] illegal under international law. The BRICS will be proposing an alternative to the SWIFT payment system, a system controlled by the G7 advanced nations and NATO, and they want to use this new banking system to conduct international trade between them, increasing the divorce from the dollar as the world's reserve currency, although that is not in any way a foregone conclusion. As Trump has pointed out, if the economic world order changes to make the dollar not the world's fundamental currency, it'll be like a nuclear attack on this country.

It'll have that impact since the entire sort of post 1971 order and the entirety of the U. S. economy is dependent upon the post 1971 arrangements, when we went away from [00:03:00] the Bretton Woods system. By sanctioning Russia and seizing its assets in this way, what these idiots did was to drive forward a completely disorganized run from the dollar, something which will not ultimately work for the entire world, but which will be incredibly destructive if it continues.

Now, the dollar has become an instrument of financial warfare under these idiots. Something which actually destroys its capacity as the world's reserve currency. Now, ever since Henry Kissinger authored and implemented National Security Study Memorandum, 200 at the request of his sponsors in the British Foreign Office, the IMF and World Bank have implemented a Malthusian population reduction strategy focused on reducing population in the developing sector as a way of ensuring their [00:04:00] capacity to loot.

Their claim is that large populations are difficult to control as they tend to become allergic, to one size fits all financial dictatorships, are allergic to elite theories about how the world should run. They tend to actually manifest creativity as Elon Musk has noted. Kissinger's scheme was to maximize natural resource looting in the developing sector by keeping population low and involving those countries literally only in primitive technological development, what is called appropriate technology in the lingo of the U. N. and other fronts for this policy.

Certain of these nations got the status of most favored nations like China and were chosen as outposts for the advanced nations to send their manufacturing and industrial capacities, that all in order to minimize [00:05:00] labor costs. Those resisting this order are called revisionists and are subjected to color revolutions and regime change. Just like what is happening now or attempting to happen and failing in the United States regarding Donald Trump.

If you don't know it already, Henry Kissinger admitted in a speech at the Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs in 1982 that he had kept the British Foreign Office better briefed about the internal deliberations of the Nixon administration than he did the U. S. State Department. We'll send the link for that out for you.

Now, this policy has boomerang, like most of the evil policies of these insane idiots, with the nations of the advanced sector collapsing in population below the replacement rate, and facing demographic collapse, along with a cultural collapse, approaching pure primitive Tribalism.[00:06:00]

China is also in population decline with India declining more slowly and now overtaking China as the world's most populous nation. Africa and certain underdeveloped nations in the Middle East, however, are booming with population and a type of optimism which comes from being surrounded by many, many young people.

So we'll be watching and reporting on these meetings this week as a way of further developing for you, the two systems are really up before the world in this election. As Lincoln's financial advisor Henry Carey put it, one is a system of human slavery and war, the English system, the other, the American system of productive and creative human activity.

Just look at the election from that standpoint. Donald Trump is a conscious proponent of the American system. He has essentially rebirthed essential aspects of it through protection against free trade, the British [00:07:00] system. But he has yet to go full bore on the necessary way of implementing it as it is articulated by Lyndon LaRouche.

Wall Street, the paper pushers and derivative traders and human slavery traffickers and agents of the British System it is they who want four more years of America's devolution into yet another colonial outpost for the empire rather than a sovereign nation. Understanding this also involves understanding that the true enemy is the British financial empire and its minions here in the United States.

The British Labor Party is putting that out front by deploying people here to campaign for Harris. Christopher Steele, the British agent who played a key role in the insurrection against Donald Trump's first presidency, is out with a new book campaigning against Trump and other people in the advanced sector who oppose the [00:08:00] order, the populist who oppose the order.

Anne Applebaum, the lady who keeps providing the crazed narrative that Trump is Hitler, Mussolini, and God knows, Godzilla all rolled into one, is a conscious British agent, as are many others. We'll be covering these developments in some depth this week.

Lyndon LaRouche had an answer to all of this. Take the nations of the world with the most current, productive, potential, namely Russia, China, India, and the United States, and use them to end the British Imperial Order, the Satanic Order, once and for all, and institute a new monetary system for trade, one based on long term credits for development of the entire world.

That, in turn, will destroy much of what is before us, those ills, and we'll be in a much, much better [00:09:00] place. We here at Promethean Action will be proposing these steps to the new Trump administration. Educating the population to fight for this is our goal. And it is the key to the nation's ultimate survival.

We have a new pamphlet out this week. It's on the website. It's called American System 2. 0, and it outlines these differences for you. Please go there and read it and start thinking about this new phase of the fight.

In the election race, Trump had a wonderful weekend. Talk about joy. He basically had rallies in Pennsylvania, and he worked a shift at McDonald's, much to the delight of the entire working population of that state. It has the media and other pundits really in vapors, freaking out, calling it all a stunt. Today, he goes to hurricane struck North Carolina, where voting is underway. Elon Musk continues [00:10:00] to draw huge crowds of young people, enthusiastically endorsing the mission for space colonization as a new national mission.

The idea of being a productive human being with a purpose becoming an enthralling theme for this beleaguered population. Susan Kokinda, I'm sure, will give you more developments on this in the race when she does her midweek update. Go to the website and download the pamphlet. Go to the polls and get 10 others to go to the polls and vote.

That's the tasking for the week. Let's think about it. Let's act on it. Let's organize. I'll see you again on Saturday. Thanks very much for listening.

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