As Trump’s Tariffs Triumph, Gaslighters Gonna Gaslight…
Despite opposition from self-proclaimed experts who continue to gaslight the American public about the benefits of tariffs and physical economic growth, Trump's policies are working.
Tonight the Dem Convention spectacle begins, totally choreographed, like the J6 hearings by Hollywood and Steve Spielberg. It's a test for us, are we so stupid that we believe a fictional construct, the new Kamala, can fix all that she and Joe have destroyed by pursuing exactly the same worldview? Abe Lincoln knew reality when he said you can't fool all the people all the time. We cover the economic terrain determining the election, the dangerous escalation in Ukraine and the DOJ attack on the opponents of war, Tulsi Gabbard, Dmitri Simes, Scott Ritter and Donald Trump.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi everybody. It's Monday, the 19th of August. With the Democratic Party kicking off tonight, we're less than 80 days away from the election of our lifetimes, and more fundamentally, history's decision on what happens to the United States of America. This is your Monday Brief.
Unsurprisingly, economics and the economy have become the central subject matter, that and war, a subject the regime is trying to remove from public discourse. Trump will be in Pennsylvania today talking about the economy. The deposed President of the United States will speak tonight at the DNC about how his policies have worked wonderfully when in fact they have produced the most massive sustained inflation in U. S. history and a spiritual crisis of identity in the nation itself.
Maybe he will succeed in not being interrupted by more than 100, 000 members of [00:01:00] the Democratic base protesting the ongoing genocide and potential world war emanating from the Middle East. Caused by Biden's dismissal of Trump's Abraham Accords and subsequent weakness and vacillation as to what to do in its wake.
Here at Promethean PAC and Promethean Action, we have one mission now. Winning the undecided and non voters and alienated Democrats to MAGA. To assure an overwhelming victory for Trump Vance in November. Therefore, we're going to write about the economic policies in the Trump Vance platform and how they will work to get the nation out of the mess created by Biden and Harris.
We're going to write about the deep state and the war racket and what needs to be done to right this ship before the Democrats shred the Constitution into non existence. We're going to write about those tendencies [00:02:00] in our history which are truly remarkable and exceptional. The American School of Economists, leaders and scientists and engineers, and a uniquely American frontier seeking culture led by such people as Edgar Allan Poe.
Bob Ingram gave a class on this over the weekend. It's material which nobody has really explored. It's wonderful. It's well worth your listening time. Needless to say, if you agree with our mission here, you should support us monetarily with as much of a contribution that you can afford to give. We can't compete with the Trump fundraising machine. And unless you recognize and support the unique contributions we are making here, we won't win.
I posted a piece today on the website concerning the career of Kamala Harris. As you might expect, she is a puppet of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood, who performs for them, and always has, like a semi [00:03:00] trained seal.
She has been dubbed the female Barack Obama, and that is a good descriptor of what she would like to be, but even Obama has his doubts about whether she can fulfill his legacy and leave him unscathed. Those doubts arose when her campaign crashed and burned in 2020. She was supposed to be the president elect then.
We'll see what she rolls out as her economic policy over the course of the week and cover it. For now, I think Mike Schellenberger The San Francisco liberal who found he was living in a culture of death and destruction and changed his mind has hit on the nub of the problem in a recent post on his Substack.
He says that the Democrats, led by its aspiring boomer professional leadership class, have turned from Roosevelt's productive society of abundance and support of producers over the course of the transition, which they began [00:04:00] with Clinton in the last century. They've turned to become a society with deeply Malthusian premises and roots, favoring scarcity and totalitarian methods of population control in order to accumulate huge wealth in the upper echelons of society, while conditioning the vast majority of the population to economic scarcity.
Those who study the World Economic Forum will recognize the overall oligarchical program. They have sold this on the basis of identity politics, now favoring childless professional women as their leading cudgel and attacking merit and competence as a sin of the privileged. Almost all of what Harris put forward so far in terms of economics has been tried before in California and failed miserably.
Subsidies and handouts rather than building houses and growing the [00:05:00] economy allegedly to solve homelessness and the unaffordability of houses by simple handouts. Price controls on economic choke points such as prescription drugs, rents, and food, allegedly to solve inflation when the Green New Deal, which they otherwise completely sponsored, and the handouts of the so called Inflation Reduction Act, are responsible for the current rise in prices.
Electricity in California, with its green mandates, is so expensive and inefficient, that companies are fleeing the state in droves. That and the crime policies set forth specifically by Harris in her decriminalization of most shoplifting, drug, and other, so-called victimless crimes. The type of decriminalization which leads to rampant anarchy, which you see on the streets of California now.
So, all of the [00:06:00] problems which they are attacking with handouts and giveaways and fix it solutions are in reality the product of structural problems in the economy, which only the American system, a political economy, is built to address.
Specifically, the program and platform put forward by Trump and Vance. We have to produce abundance in quality food, but that can only be done when the best agricultural and land cartels are brought to heel. We have to return medicine again to a profession, not to a say trip of the international drug industry and big pharma.
We have to build housing in bulk, cutting regulations and creating the conditions for builders to build rather than giving subsidies to potential homebuyers, and thus driving inflation even higher. We can't grow when the fundamental paradigm is Malthusianism. That's what the Democrats have actually [00:07:00] embraced the love and sacrifice the population is supposed to give to mother nature rather than the love of human beings and the type of human breakthroughs and genius and participation in the divine which Promethean Action and Promethean PAC are meant to celebrate.
On Saturday, I called Biden Harris's plans for the economy, Oprah Economics, if you remember what Oprah did with her audience. Remember, she would go out and interview somebody, but then the main kicker of the show were the giveaways. Cars, vacations, wads of cash. The audience loved it. It won't work, but the idea here is that the people are so stupid and lacking in fundamental economic understanding, they will buy what Kamala is selling.
They will buy this idea that she is now somehow striding bravely onto the stage [00:08:00] with a fixed uniform, essentially trying to fix everything she and Joe Biden have set into motion and destroyed. It's a bet on Hollywood. Which has largely controlled her career and narrative rather than reality, that cudgel which is being used to condition us all through censorship and lies and propaganda.
Basically it's a policy which will fail provided the population is sufficiently educated and moves on its revulsion into the voting booths, to reject all of this decades long Democratic Party nonsense.
Then there is the war, the primary issue among young people, the polls tell us, and also a primary issue among minorities. You would think that the U. S. and Britain and other NATO forces invading Russia would be big news. That [00:09:00] is what has happened in Kursk and the Russians have begun to mop up Ukraine's offensive there, despite the fake news in the controlled media. But another red line has been crossed. Russia, again, has been invaded by our forces and the British and NATO.
As Trump says, we are attempting World War III, not only in Ukraine, but also in the Middle East. Biden killed the Abraham Accords of Trump, which had the real possibility of bringing peace to this British, secret intelligence, tortured region of permanent and irrevocable racial and cultural tensions. The world's economy hangs in the balance of whether or not this war proceeds in the Middle East.
Oil, gas, shipping, all of those things hang in the balance. Russia and other sentient nations recognize that effect and are doing everything in [00:10:00] their power to prevent this from happening while the incompetent Biden administration stumbles about. Those protesting the war in the Middle East and Chicago would do well to study the Abraham Accords and recognize that Trump engaged in an amazing act of statesmanship in almost ending decades of turmoil in this area of the world.
Jordan Peterson told the political columnist Mark Halperin over the weekend that the Abraham Accords were an act of political genius, which Biden and Harris destroyed. Those who want peace would do well to study this issue.
There is a concerted effort now by the DOJ amongst the most proficient of the war critics. The FBI and Homeland Security dubbed Tulsi Gabbard a terrorist. Scott Ritter's home was raided recently and is being investigated under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Same is true of Dimitri Simes, an FBI raid, [00:11:00] amidst other probable rogue investigation. The deep state censors are also regathering forces to meet the requirements of selling permanent war with Russia and jumping forward war with China. That's the policy Trump has promised to end.
Trump's sentencing is on September 18th, and there's a big betting lobby, which says they're going to try and put him in jail. Kick your congressman's ass and tell them you won't vote for them unless they take action to defend these egregious attacks on the Constitution, to defund those agencies promoting them, to defund the censorship, to defund the war lobby. Again, these will be our subject matters, and we need your support to recruit the huge margin for victory, which will make the election too big to rig.
Meanwhile, we'll be covering the convention. I'll let you know right now that it will be entirely orchestrated by [00:12:00] Hollywood. It's being planned by Steve Spielberg. It's all an illusion based on a delusion. Joe Biden once told my husband that the problem with Lyndon LaRouche is he thought the population was a lot smarter than they actually are.
I think our goal here should be just like Abraham Lincoln said it. You can't fool all the people, all the time. It is our time. It is our time of the American people in revolt. It is our time of the American people regaining their fundamental historical identity. We just need to make it stick.
We'll be counter programming in our own kind of way the entire Democratic spectacle this week. So, see you again. Work with us. Join TrumpForce47. Get out and organize that vote. Our future really does depend upon it. Thanks for listening, I'll see you again on Saturday.
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