The October Surprise Is Catastrophic Mismanagement of the Easily Anticipated

The World is on fire and spiraling out of control. We have no leadership, no one running the Country. We have a non-existent President in Joe Biden, and a completely absent Vice President, Kamala Harris. Neither has any idea what is even going on.

The October Surprise Is Catastrophic Mismanagement of the Easily Anticipated
“The damage that Hurricane Helene has done is severe. This will be a long rebuilding. But while the path to full and complete recovery will not be easy, we know in our hearts that the American People are STRONGER than any challenge that stands in our way. Working together, we will overcome these hardships. We will endure. We will rebuild Valdosta and every other town that has been so badly hit. And we will emerge stronger, more united, and more prosperous than ever before. Thank you very much—and may God Bless You All.” @RealDonaldTrump / Truth Social
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In response to the last 72 hours of international developments, David Sacks, the pro-Trump Silicon Valley investor, wrote: "the October Surprise is WWIII."  He added that preventing this involves "getting these jokers (Biden and Harris) out of here" with January 20th not coming soon enough. His impulse is correct. An overwhelming vote for sanity on November 5th by the American people is the only guarantee of humanity’s otherwise precarious survival.

In Europe, populations are in revolt against the war in Ukraine and globalism, and voting accordingly, most recently in Austria. Russia’s leadership measures its potential future actions, in part, based on whether the burgeoning MAGA movement against the forever wars, now incorporating RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and other sane former Democrats, can prevail in such an overwhelming way as to secure a mandate against the present insane Anglo-American security state.

Sacks might have added the strike by the East Coast International Longshoremen’s Association Union, and the Biden Administration’s dangerously incompetent response to Hurricane Helene to his October Surprise doomsday list. The ILU strike, within two weeks, could completely cripple the foreign supply chain dependent U.S. economy. Hurricane Helene turned Western North Carolina, and parts of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, eastern Tennessee, and southwest Virginia into a post apocalyptic wasteland of death and devastation. So far, the “equity” based FEMA response is beginning to look like the human disaster which resulted from the mammoth incompetence of the Bush Administration in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans.

Presidential leadership consists of anticipating and successfully managing crises while putting in place the long-term infrastructure and scientific and technological regimes by which to secure a prosperous national future. Both the Russia/Ukraine imbroglio and the perennial British destabilization of the Middle East had been successfully managed during Donald Trump’s first term, although Trump was impeached, the first time, for interfering in the oligarchy’s planned use of Ukraine in a proxy war against Russia. Trump’s Abraham Accords had brought a surprising peace to the Middle East through his painstaking negotiations fully documented by Axios journalist Barak Ravid in his book, Trump’s Peace.

The ILA’s dispute with global shipping corporations, which profited massively during COVID while Biden’s inflation destroyed the value of dock workers’ wages, could have been settled well before now. The contract expired on Monday and negotiations had been underway for months. Rather than becoming directly involved in furthering these critical negotiations as other presidents have done, Biden confined his involvement to insisting he would not invoke Taft/Hartley and force union members to work without a contract –an election stunt designed solely to prevent further erosion of the union vote. Millions of union members have already fled the Democratic Party to support Trump. The shippers have launched a barrage of propaganda centered on the union leadership’s corruption, (Harold Doggett and his family have become multi-millionaires through their union activities) and well documented mafia ties.

It should not be necessary to invoke Taft/Hartley to settle this strike. Presidential leadership should have gotten these negotiations over the finish line by now, but the Biden White House does not want to dirty its hands, and it is unclear whether the senile Biden and stupefied Harris are even capable of advancing things. The sides are apparently close in terms of the wage side of the negotiation. The union is also demanding a halt to automation to save jobs. Long term buyouts and guaranteed jobs with paid training in use of automated equipment could readily resolve the job security issue.

While this specific hurricane, Helene, is not a surprise, hurricane season is not, nor is the phenomenon of massive rain fall when storms hit the cooler air of the mountains. Under Biden/Harris, FEMA lists its Number 1 priority as “equity in emergency relief services” rather than competence. The bungled response to both the Maui fires and now, Hurricane Helene, reflect that priority.

A World in Flames

From the minute they took office, Biden’s foreign policy evil twins, Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan, declared war on Trump’s peace. They joined the war monger Britain in arming Ukraine heavily, relentlessly attacked Russian populations living in eastern Ukraine and Crimea, and then provoked the present disastrous conflict. When Ukraine and Russia reached a settlement, early on, Biden and the Brits forced Ukraine to walk away from the deal.  As of this moment, Russia is winning handily, and Ukraine is on the verge of collapse. The country has been depopulated by mass emigration and the war’s casualties. Its troops consist of poorly trained conscripts in their 40s, who freeze and die in their first encounters with actual war.

Trump’s Abraham Accords and his strategy of outflanking and managing Bibi Netanyahu and Iran were abandoned, with the Biden Administration, for all practical purposes, ignoring the Middle East in favor of pursuing the war against Russia in Ukraine, building the infrastructure for a war with China, attempting to monetarily bribe Iran into making peace, while swearing allegiance to the globalist regime assembled to implement the imperium’s climate agenda and other Malthusian policy mandates of the World Economic Forum.  By going to war with Russia, they also destroyed the relationship with the most important potential ally in stabilizing the Middle East.

America’s Strategy of Renewal
Rebuilding leadership for a new world.

In an article in Foreign Affairs on October 1st, Antony Blinken resurrects the Bush/Cheney doctrine of the “axis of evil” requiring long term military and political war.  That axis, he says, is now composed of Iran, Russia, and China and their “revisionist views” favoring nation state sovereignty over global governance.

As if on cue, the new head of NATO, Mark Rutte, declared that Ukraine should be granted permission to launch deep missile strikes on Russian territory using U.S. and British long range missiles, in response to a question from the rabid BBC. Just days before, Vladimir Putin had declared that Russian nuclear doctrine was being revised to meet this specific contingency. Rutte, a genuine representative of the Anglo-Dutch empire, echoed the position of his predecessor, Jens Stoltenberg who had been dubbed the “Norwegian Tony Blair” for his insane neo-liberal fascist views.

Their positions reflect the longstanding lust of the modern British Empire to conquer Russia as the keystone to conquering the vast mineral, agricultural, and other resources of Eurasia. These desperate escalations accompanied by claims that Russian “nuclear threats” are “bluffs” or “bullying” not to be seriously considered, have put the world on the edge of nuclear war, as Donald Trump and his allies, like JD Vance, Tucker Carlson, David Sacks, RFK, Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard keep emphasizing. It seems that the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 is being replayed, but behind closed doors with public acknowledgement censored and blocked. RT and other Russian publications have been banned with the idea that the regime’s rule will be threatened if the population is allowed to understand the situation from a Russian perspective or to understand just how insane their own putative rulers have become.

If this isn’t scary enough, Israel invaded Lebanon, after it had assassinated the longtime leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, many other leaders of that organization, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s commanding general in Lebanon, Brigadier Gen. Abbas Nilforoushan. Iran responded by launching more than 180 missiles into Israel, the largest direct assault on Israel in its history. Both Israel and the U.S. say the assault was ineffective. Iran has stated that this assault, targeting Mossad headquarters and Air Force bases, was its final retaliation concerning recent Israeli actions. However, they stated, if Israel retaliates, they will escalate these attacks with even larger and more widespread missile strikes, an escalation which will lead to all-out war in the Middle East.

As of this writing, Israel is vowing revenge and mooting that it will strike Iran’s oil refining and nuclear facilities within the next few days. The Jewish high holidays began today, October 2nd with Rosh Hashanah, to be followed in 10 days by Yom Kippur. Within this period, of course, is the anniversary of the October 7th massacre which began this round of Middle East violence along with the anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur war. The planned new strikes on Iran and the expanding war in Lebanon could send oil prices careening into the stratosphere with catastrophic worldwide economic impacts.  While Biden is proposing a G7 sanctions package against Iran, everything these incompetents have done recently with respect to the Middle East has demonstrated that the United States has lost the ability to influence the situation. As Trump says, their weakness and ideologically complete divorce from reality has created the escalating war in this region.

The Southeast Becomes a Moonscape

Hurricane Helene hit the southern Appalachian Mountain region and other areas across six southern states like a nuclear bomb. It dumped 40 trillion gallons of water on these areas, washing out roads, bridges, dams, cell towers, water and sewer systems, buildings, and houses. FEMA had prepositioned its assets in the Big Bend area of Florida where Helene came ashore as a Category 4 hurricane and had no plans for the massive flooding which arose upstream, in the mountains. Helene came ashore on Friday. Biden went to the beach for the weekend and Harris went to California to raise money. The New York Post writes that Harris never attended any FEMA briefings prior to this event. Proving that she can’t even do fake competently, Harris arranged a photo op on Air Force Two as she returned to Washington because of the crisis. The photo posting claims she is being briefed by FEMA on Helene but her ear buds are not plugged in to the phone, demonstrating the sham nature of her involvement.

The photo posting claims she is being briefed by FEMA on Helene but her ear buds are not plugged in to the phone, demonstrating the sham nature of her involvement.

In the hardest hit counties in North Carolina state National Guards, police, and other first responders from the Carolinas, Florida, Georgia, and Virginia along with private organizations like Samaritan’s Purse and ex-military volunteers struggled to reach trapped residents in the mountains, living in destroyed houses without power, food, water, or medicine for days.  They used mules and private helicopters. Even on Tuesday and Wednesday when FEMA first became visible in Asheville, residents struggled to find water and more than 600 or more people were declared missing.

Donald Trump went to Valdosta, Georgia on Monday, ahead of either Biden or Harris, with truckloads of water, fuel, and other necessities. He set up a Go Fund Me page for victims which has raised over $4 million to date. He secured more Starlink hookups for communications from Elon Musk than had been previously provided. Biden did not authorize the U.S. military to intervene with choppers, soldiers, and other resources until Wednesday.

FEMA Administrator, Deanne Criswell, headed New York City’s emergency management services during that city’s disastrous COVID response. Mayor DeBlasio’s healthcare czar from the same team, Jay Varma, has recently admitted to attending drug and sex orgies throughout the crisis.

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