The Real "America Again" - Tulsi and RFK Jr. Reclaim America for Trump

“When you say make America great again, to what era does the ‘again’ refer to. He (Trump) said, 'it refers to the Kennedy Administration.'” 

The Real "America Again" - Tulsi and RFK Jr. Reclaim America for Trump
Former Democrats Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard at a Trump-campaign hosted event in Dearborn, MI on September 28. The dialogue was hosted by Hollywood actor Zachary Levi (who admitted that he might be committing career suicide by following RFK Jr.’s lead and announcing his support for Donald Trump at the event.)

A Michigan audience, which included black pastors, Muslim and Arab Americans, Trump supporters, and at least one woman who reported to this author that she had just awakened from her anti-Trump worldview less than 2 months ago, had the privilege of listening to former Democrats Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard at a Trump-campaign hosted event in Dearborn, MI on September 28. The dialogue between Gabbard and Kennedy, as well as with host and Hollywood actor Zachary Levi (who admitted that he might be committing career suicide by following RFK Jr.’s lead and announcing his support for Donald Trump at the event) was stunning in terms of the depth and passion of the speakers. 

I am going to highlight a few key aspects of the discussion, but the main purpose of this post will be for you to hear directly from Kennedy and Gabbard, with footage taken at the event. Share it with those who must still be awakened from the very bad dream they are living in and to save us all from the nightmare we will be living if Harris and her controllers prevail.

Hanging out with the now famous Detroit Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church, after the event. He gained national recognition after delivering a speech at the RNC, praising Trump and crediting God with saving Trump from the first assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The theme woven throughout the night was the complete inversion that has taken place between the two parties. Right off the bat, Kennedy declared, “Today the Democratic Party is the party of war and the Republican Party is the party of peace. I am so proud of President Trump in his meeting with Zelensky.” Kennedy compared Trump’s insistence that the war must end, to Zelensky and other Democrats in Pennsylvania, signing artillery shells that are going to hit innocent women and children. Gabbard continued, “The Democratic Party is unrecognizable . . . .They don’t care about peace or civil liberties…they only have allegiance to party…This is a banana republic and this is why we cannot let Kamala Harris into the presidency and why we must elect Donald Trump.”

The biggest revelation of the evening came from Kennedy’s answer to people questioning him “How can you be MAGA … MAGA is about recreating the 1950’s with Joe McCarthy and no civil rights.” Kennedy reported that he asked President Trump,

“When you say make America great again, to what era does the ‘again’ refer to. He (Trump) said, 'it refers to the Kennedy Administration.'” 

In 2020, the predecessor organization to Promethean PAC, made a large banner and hung it over an overpass near the famous Ford River Rouge plant (in Dearborn). The banner read, “Donald Trump, the Best Democrat Since JFK.” Some understood it then. RFK Jr. just made it official.

As the accompanying clips show, Gabbard and Kennedy were unrelenting in their focus on the danger of nuclear war and their attacks on the war machine. In her opening remarks, Gabbard reflected on her awakening, when she was deployed to Iraq and saw the Cheney-connected KBR Halliburton company’s logo stamped on everything from trash cans to porta-potties. Gabbard left nothing to the imagination in terms of the existential danger of nuclear war under the current regime.

Gabbard reflected on her awakening, when she was deployed to Iraq and saw the Cheney-connected KBR Halliburton company’s logo stamped on everything from trash cans to porta-potties.

Kennedy then gave a 6 minute history lesson on NATO’s provocations of Russia, via Ukraine, underscoring the same point made by Gabbard. Kennedy put a special focus on the role of Blackrock in Ukraine, as the leader of the “military industrial complex” pack of companies shaping our foreign policy.

NATO's provocations of Russia and the role of Blackrock in the military industrial complex.

It must be added at this point, that the one discordant note in what was, otherwise, an extraordinary political composition, was the failure of either Kennedy or Gabbard to recognize that it is the Anglo-American Imperium, not the United States, which is the driving force behind these insane and evil policies.

Turning to economic policies, it became clear throughout the night that Donald Trump has had an enormous influence on RFK Jr., especially on the question of tariffs. And, it is in the following video that Kennedy made the dramatic statement about Trump’s deference to John Kennedy’s America.

“When you say make America great again, to what era does the ‘again’ refer to. He (Trump) said, 'it refers to the Kennedy Administration.'”

Finally, Kennedy took a well-deserved shot at the Federal Reserve, stating that the economic solution lies in “definancializing our economy and taking power away from the Federal Reserve. The Fed is like a pump and operates on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, it strip mines wealth away from the American people and the middle class.”

“... Definancializing our economy and taking power away from the Federal Reserve. The Fed is like a pump and operates on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, it strip mines wealth away from the American people and the middle class.”

There was also thorough discussion of the well-covered subjects of censorship and the surveillance state and the poisoning of our food.

Watch the full event.

The commitment that Gabbard and Kennedy showed to educating and activating their audience was only matched by the commitment that Donald Trump has made to ensure this policy revolution will take place. Kennedy reported that, not only are he and Gabbard on the transition team, but that the team is already functioning. Rather than waiting for post-election funding for a transition team to come from the GAO (General Accounting Office) as is standard, private donors have stepped forward to fund this activity NOW.

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