The Sage Advice Column - May 10, 2024
This week's advice comes from Lyndon LaRouche’s September 2, 2000 Labor Day Keynote Address.
In this speech in 2000, Lyndon LaRouche revisits a 1999 video he made outlining British policy aimed at capturing Russia and, with that, dominating Eurasia. This strategy has dominated U.S. foreign policy ever since Roosevelt’s death. The same policy is the root of the genocidal war in Ukraine today. He then goes on to identify the difference between the republican principles animating our founders, Lincoln, and Roosevelt and the oligarchical principles of the British Empire. At root, the differences are those between humans and animals, citizens and serfs. His advice? Recognize that you are the product of the past and a future being built by creative individual human discovery. Participating in this creation is what God intended for human beings and the fundamental principle of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.