The Sage Advice Column - May 2, 2024
This week's advice comes from Lyndon LaRouche's June 27, 2009 webcast.
A weekly post offering advice from the heroes of that Renaissance tradition in thinking which led to the founding of the American Republic and its best leaders and presidents, Promethean thinking.
This week's advice comes from Lyndon LaRouche. In this 39 minute clip from September 27, 2009, LaRouche counsels, you will fail if you look at the world in terms of “issues” and not as a dynamic whole, a living organism. If you do look at the whole, you will find there are two distinct and irreconcilable powers operating: the controlling British imperial financial system and the nascent and still beating heart of the American revolution. Our existence right now, and, indeed, that of the world, depends on taking down the British Empire and freeing the spirit of our revolution. Britain Delenda Est!