The Saturday Wrap-Up - Biden/Harris Criminal Malfeasance in Helene Response - October 5, 2024

By far the biggest and most horrifying story of the week is the federal response to Helene, the Hurricane which flattened much of the Southeast with the worst tragedies occurring in North Carolina.

The Saturday Wrap-Up - Biden/Harris Criminal Malfeasance in Helene Response - October 5, 2024
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By far the biggest and most horrifying story of the week is the federal response to Helene, the Hurricane which flattened much of the Southeast with the worst tragedies occurring in North Carolina. The Feds are actively interfering with volunteer relief efforts and refusing to deploy the military on a scale which could save lives. They must be shamed into doing so. Otherwise, we cover Trump's return to Butler, under threat of assassination, developments in the Trump assassination coverup and continued promotion of a Trump assassination narrative by the DOJ and the White House, and the war in the Middle East, noting that Kamala just lauded the Cheneys for their despicable service in creating the conditions for this war.


Axelrod: ‘Upscale’ Asheville Liberals Will Find ‘Way to Vote,’ Trump Voters Won’t
Former Obama adviser David Axelrod implied that “liberal voters” in Asheville would find “a way to vote,” while Trump voters would not.

Transcript:The Saturday Wrap-Up - Biden/Harris Criminal Malfeasance in Helene Response - October 5, 2024

Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. It's Saturday, October 5th, and this is Barbara Boyd, and this is the Saturday Wrap. By far, the lead story of this week is the completely unnecessary rising death toll and destruction occurring in western North Carolina and elsewhere in the southeast in the wake of Hurricane Helene. A disaster even more consequential than Katrina in 2005 in terms of the unnecessary loss of human lives, the destruction of a vital part of the U. S. economy, and as an example of the abysmal incompetence and pure evil of the Biden Harris administration.

Otherwise, we'll take a look at Prosecutor Jack Smith's recent obscene filing, an overt act of election interference by the Biden Department of Justice, totally expected, [00:01:00] the attempt to delay the trial of the Florida assassin, Ryan Routh, beyond the election, and President Trump's daring and very dangerous return to Butler, Pennsylvania today.

We'll update the situation in brief in the Biden Harris war in the Middle East, otherwise in a post on the website, we have detailed the present Biden Harris war situations in Russia and in the Middle East. And as Trump says, they continue to put us on the brink of nuclear warfare.

We won't also say much more about the J. D. Vance, Tim Walz debate on Tuesday. As Waltz himself said it for us, he described himself as a knucklehead in explaining why he repeatedly lies and embellishes his experiences. He had said that he had become friends with school shooters. That's plural. He fully supported the forever wars and the censorship industrial complex built by the [00:02:00] Biden Harris administration. He fully supported late term abortions and infanticide. He described an epidemic of child suicides in the state he governs, but blamed it on guns, while at the same time bragging that Minnesota leads the world in health care and, presumably, mental health. And yet there is an epidemic of child suicides in his own words.

So let's get to it. It's now been amply documented that not only did the Biden Harris administration and their incompetent Homeland Security Department, which controls FEMA, fail miserably in planning any federal response. Any federal response. There was no planning for the known contingency of Helene hitting the southern Appalachian Mountains full force and dumping 40 trillion gallons of rain on a huge swath of our southeast.[00:03:00]

Now, FEMA, is actively interfering in the efforts of volunteer private organizations attempting to save lives and deliver much needed food, water, medicine, such as insulin, mobile electric power, and Starlink communication systems to the harshest hit and Devastated Areas in Western North Carolina. There are multiple reliable reports of volunteer helicopter pilots being told to stand down or being threatened with arrest for their efforts by federal and state officials in North Carolina.

Elon Musk personally called Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg yesterday to secure a halt to these flight bans on vital search and rescue flights into the mountains where people are still trapped in debris and with no roads in or out. This is occurring in a situation in which much of the area has been flattened, like a nuclear bomb went off, destroying [00:04:00] roads, bridges, water treatment plants and infrastructure, power stations, transformers, and power lines along with almost every house and business in its path.

Children have been found and rescued, tied to lumber and trees by their parents in the flood water to keep them afloat. While the parents themselves have obviously drowned, as their houses were swept away by floodwaters and mudslides. The only real emergency response which will work at this point, and we want to underline this, is a full deployment of a brigade sized contingent of the United States Army, sitting right there, Just a few miles away at Fort Victory, formerly Fort Bragg, with the necessary helicopters and other aerial assets like drones, and the soldiers necessary to effectuate emergency relief in time.[00:05:00]

While Biden has authorized 1, 000 troops, they still await their orders more than a week out from the disaster. Now, the Bush administration was widely and appropriately criticized for its response to Katrina. For But it did plan ahead, unlike this administration. It did deploy the military when the scope of the disaster became very clear, unlike this administration.

It is clear that the administration, this administration, is not deploying the military, both because of concerns for what they call optics, i. e. a reflection on their horrendous planning failure which caused all of this and because of preserving now scarce manpower and equipment for the evolving situations in the Middle East and Ukraine.

There are rumors that key generators of our generator supply for the country have been shipped off to Ukraine [00:06:00] and that there's a shortage. It is up to us to shame this administration into saving lives now, rather than allowing the casualties to mount. Right now, Biden, completely un in touch with the situation on the ground, stipulates and says that people are happy with his response.

The on the ground reports claim now that a lot of people are threatening their own suicides out of desperation. Right now, Kamala Harris gives 750 dollars to people and announces that. 750 dollars to people who have lost everything and thinks that constitutes assistance. Barack Obama's lead advisor, David Axelrod, probably shed some light on the more satanic aspect of the reasoning here when he said yesterday that the well off liberals in Asheville will be able to [00:07:00] figure out how to vote in this battleground state while the Republicans, I. E. the deplorables who live in the rural areas in the mountains will have a harder time figuring it out.

This is a battleground state where President Trump leads in the polling by the thinnest of margins with a Democratic governor, Roy Cooper, responsible from the state side for emergency relief efforts. The hardest hit mountain areas are places that support Trump and must do so by huge margins if Trump is to win the state.

Contrary to Biden and Harris, Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump were on the ground early in Georgia and North Carolina, personally delivering supplies, personally aligning with the population, showing their solidarity.

Trump made the point that he was not into analyzing the politics of the situation in response to a question as to how the disaster would [00:08:00] impact the race. He said he was only interested in saving lives. Typically, Joe Biden's photo op flyover of western North Carolina resulted in a flight ban for several hours as volunteer helicopters doing search and rescue operations were forced to stay on the ground.

Congressman Cory Mills, a Special Forces veteran, has been delivering supplies via helicopter throughout the past week in one of the many private operations, and has been providing reliable on the ground reports concerning this disaster. He says he knows now, reliably that there are as many as 400 people who have perished, but the death toll will rise astronomically from the disaster he has seen on the ground.

He has witnessed firsthand the ineptitude and obstruction of life saving efforts by the DEI obsessed FEMA organization on [00:09:00] the ground. Remember, this organization says its new priority is DEI. Equal outcomes rather than desperate measures to save lives above all else. Cory Mills and Glenn Beck have exposed this situation on Post on X on Friday, which I'm giving you the links right now in this report to look at.

Even the hysterically pro Biden Atlantic magazine carries a piece projecting the death toll to be in the thousands. That's the human cost. The economic cost for the nation is just beginning to be calculated. The area hosts the only U. S. pure silicon mining facility at Spruce Pine. The essential ingredient in computer chips.

There are large lithium deposits. Most of the country's cotton crops are in Georgia and in these areas. The list could go on and on and on in terms of major supply chain [00:10:00] ramifications and things which will have to be rebuilt from the ground up, like all the infrastructure. Again, the satanic administration must be shamed into saving lives now by a population of Americans inclined to do good for their fellow Americans rather than performing emergency services based on equity, the governing ideology of FEMA under Biden.

Today, President Trump returns to Butler. David Ignatius writing in the Washington Post said it all in terms of the danger, which lurks there. He published a column today saying that Trump was being cavalier, concerning the threats against him by Iranians and others, and overtaxing the Secret Service's ability to protect him, placing himself in danger.

Let that sink in.

One obvious gambit coming from the assassination [00:11:00] campaign being waged actively by this administration, is to limit Trump's ability to campaign, to put him in a bunker and let the Hollywood narratives and advised by the billionaires financed terrorist campaign, take their toll in terms of electoral results.

It very much appears to us that the Iranian assassination gambit is a cover for activities orchestrated by our own and British intelligence agencies. Lee Smith has a piece outlining how the FBI set up the assassination by Iran narrative shortly before Butler. We will be covering that. You can make your own conclusions as to how this fits with plans for a direct confrontation with Iran in the Middle East.

Since Ignatius speaks for the CIA, he is their scribe, people should tell the Washington Post [00:12:00] and should tell the CIA that if anything happens to Trump in Pennsylvania or elsewhere, the American people will hold them to full account in one way, or the other.

This occurs in a context where Jack Smith is seeking to revive the J6 narrative through a filing he made about that intelligence community controlled riot with the, in conjunction with the renegade Jacobin judge in the D. C. District Court, Judge Tanya Chutkin. This was filed on Wednesday. It will now be leaking out to the press. All of the gossip and hearsay accumulated in Liz Cheney's stupid J6 investigation are now being given the imprimatur of an official court filing.

Again, this is revving up the narrative around J6, a narrative which consists of painting Donald Trump as a dangerous, irrational monster who sought to [00:13:00] overthrow the government on January 6th, 2021. A lie which is designed simply to affect and impact votes. We'll be covering the import of this filing fully on the website in the next two days. Meanwhile, the government is seeking to totally delay the trial of the other assassin, Ryan Routh, until well after the election, lest his connections to the CIA and military become the topic of pre election disclosure and debate. Again, we will be covering this fully on the website.

Kamala Harris campaigned with Liz and Dick Cheney this week and praised their service to the government. Otherwise known as the Iraq War and the inflammation of the Middle East, which Donald Trump had almost cured with his Abraham Accords.

Now we have a full scale Israeli invasion of Lebanon occurring along with the looming potential for an outright war with Iran. Israel has said it will respond [00:14:00] forcibly to Iran's response to their killing of key Iranian linked generals in Lebanon and elsewhere. They say that includes hitting Iran's nuclear and oil facilities.

They have yet to do so, potentially because of the impact on world oil prices and because their own oil supply runs through Turkey, who could shut it down in response. Biden continues to flail with most recognizing openly in the press that through him the United States has lost all influence in the current situation.

 Now, all of this friction will only increase as Donald Trump surges with the population, which is going on now, he's winning hands down, and the oligarchy responds by exposing more and more and more of its evil nature in its desperation. We have to keep our eye on the [00:15:00] ball. Securing the vote and securing it in such a way that we achieve a mandate for peace and for dismantling this Leviathan security state, which has largely replaced our elected government.

Stay tuned. We'll fill in more of the picture on Monday. As you can see, there is a lot which the mainstream news media is trying to bury. We are here to make sure they can't do that and that we build the coalition for the economic revolution Donald Trump and J. D. Vance are outlining to save the country.

If you haven't already, become a member of Promethean Action and join the conversation. If you haven't already, donate to Promethean Action so that we can keep this analysis coming. I'll see you again on Monday. Again, stay tuned.

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