The Saturday Wrap-Up - Trump Goes Toe to Toe with the British Financial Empire - February 22, 2025
Yesterday marked the fifth week of Donald J. Trump's presidency, and we delve into four major developments that defined the week.
Monday will see the Democratic National Convention, a gigantic production designed to make you forget both who the Dems are and the atrocity they have wrought during the last four years. The media over the past 10 days abandoned what was left of their heritage, going all in on one party rule and calling it "democracy." Musk and Trump changed that, blowing up the internet with over a billion views. In today's wrap we cover the very dangerous escalations in Ukraine and the effort to make Kamala the new female black FDR, trying to steal back the mantle of the defender of working men and women now held by Trump and Vance. Her economic proposals, however, are like Oprah's giveaways and will only result in more inflation.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. It's August 17th, Saturday, and this is your Saturday Wrap. We're heading into the week of the Democratic National Convention on Monday. It will be an entirely Hollywood produced affair, meant to deceive you into thinking that you're about to see the birth of the black Franklin Roosevelt, to guide us out of our economic devastation in the form of Hollywood's very own Kamala Harris and her Minnesota socialist sidekick, Tim Walz. That's the script.
In one Lappalooza production, similar to the types of things Lanny Reifenstahl used to put on for another new Führer, In the last century. You're supposed to forget about the last four years of globalist imposed misery, the green new fiasco, the millions of illegals and lethal doses of drugs pouring deliberately over the border [00:01:00] under Kamala's auspices, and look to a new and joyous future under the newly minted Kamala, made over from her old Biden associated stance into a new person.
This time, she'll be the populist Miss Fix-It for all the problems she and Joe Biden created. Mind you, it's not like Kamala was suddenly sent for a full fledged interview with the press or answer their questions. This week saw our allegedly free press declaiming that it was perfectly all right for a presidential candidate to hide from them and rely on Hollywood's image makers to convey their essence.
Their job, the press's job, is to work off the same script as the party, that script, and amplify it. Like everything else this propaganda and narrative machine has produced in the last four years, it's all illusion based [00:02:00] on delusion. If you believe it, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn you can buy also.
Most everybody I know has marveled at the pure level of propaganda and bombast now being employed on behalf of the Democratic Party in an effort to reclaim its mantle as the party of working people, minorities, etc, from Trump, who has seized it with the Republican party platform dedicated to rebuilding U. S. manufacturing and industry and energy on a new and advanced foundation.
That platform builds a Republican labor party like Lincoln's and discards the rotten corrupt party of war and Wall Street for which Republicans have been known in recent history. That cause, the cause of war and Wall Street, is now what the Democrats are.
If you go to find parallels in history for this [00:03:00] all in one party propaganda machine, the thing that comes to my mind are the efforts of Goebbels from 1932 forward in Germany. They called it strength through joy and Volksgemeinschaft, or people's community. Kamala and Tim Waltz call themselves joyous warriors on behalf of the same ideal.
Fascism with the face of what they call democracy. Fascism on behalf of what they call the community. Every day we are told that an agitated and off script Trump is blowing the election. Both by the Democratic Party and by the Republican warmonger faction who hope they can defeat Trump and also reclaim their old rotten party.
Every day, Trump's words are turned upside down, in and out, to turn them into cartoonish and buffoonish versions of what he actually said. This deep [00:04:00] psywar operation against the American population was, however, completely blown apart on Monday night. With the Trump Vance conversation on X, viewed by billions, most of them young people, who are intrigued by space, by those who build things, by actual new and exciting challenges for the future.
True to the field in which we operate, the European Union threatened to take out X's existence in Europe, for simply airing this conversation, a big denial of service attack preceded the show. Nonetheless, it totally upset the fixed landscape the enemies of this nation were trying to create. Narrative and illusion is all they have.
Fiction. But reality has a habit of breaking through. As the dust settled from the week, it's clear that Trump still leads with the population, but not by the margin we need to actually win. The [00:05:00] race is virtually where it has been, and we need to capture those undecided voters and bring them to our side.
Internationally, we're very much in a danger zone. This morning's news carries warnings from the Russians that a desperate Zelensky is going to stage a nuclear false flag involving either the Zaporozhye or the Kursk nuclear plants. That could, with the incursion into Russia itself at Kursk drive the potential for a very, very dangerous escalation.
It's already driving it. The Russians know that the British and the Americans are running this off, with the enfeebled and out of it American President Biden unable to exert any type of pressure at all. That's the situation. We're on a hair trigger here. And The war situation could very, very rapidly escalate.
Negotiations in the Middle East are also last ditch, with no plan for what [00:06:00] happens if they fail in the new hostage release negotiations being shepherded by the United States.
Yesterday, Kamala unveiled the first parts of what she is calling her new economic plan to beat the inflation Which the Inflation Reduction Act and similar green Boondoggles by she and Joe Biden have caused
I call the approach to economics put forward here Oprah Economics. For those who ever watched Oprah Winfrey's shows, you might remember that the draw was her bounding across the stage and giving away cars, vacations, wads of cash to our audience, to their great delights. This is just like that. According to Kamala, food prices will come down when she imposes price caps on food.
Of course, this is a tactic which has been tried over and over and over again in failing economies and never [00:07:00] worked. It only produces more inflation and supply shortages. At the same time as Richard Nixon destroyed the Bretton Woods monetary system and set loose the decades of deindustrialization and rot which we have experienced, he tried to impose wage and price controls. The results were disastrous. More inflation and supply shortages, and he had to retreat.
The margins which most grocery stores operate on is one to two percent. Retail prices have kept up with wholesale in the present environment. There's no justification for what she's proposing. The generalized inflation produced by Biden Harris physical stimulus and giveaways is driving the inflation in food prices.
Otherwise, the cost of fuel, transportation, land, and consolidation of food production, a short term spike caused directly by Biden Harris's [00:08:00] handouts, and a longer term problem caused by the outsourcing of the food supply under globalization, have created the inflation in food prices. Similarly, she promises to allocate funds for housing through subsidies when the critical problem in housing has to do with the fact that we're not building enough houses.
That, in turn, has to do with zoning and the unfavorable business environment for building single family homes along with the high interest rates now prevalent. Gavin Newsom tried this approach in California, and she's copying it, and it now costs over 1 million to build a single family home there.
Again, Oprah economics. Give away stuff to appear to be doing something when your solutions only exacerbate the problem. The same thing we saw with the student loan forgiveness, which only added to the federal deficit and the interest rates driving inflation itself.
Trump, [00:09:00] on the other hand, is promising to end the forever wars, which are draining our resources and our honor. End globalization and create a full service modern manufacturing economy right here at home. As productivity increases through this process and through the discoveries and innovations people like Elon Musk make, Prices come down across the board. This is the American system of economy, the system of Hamilton, Lincoln, McKinley, and LaRouche, a producer's alliance to build the future, which has worked before and will work again.
The wars? There's an argument which can be made that Kamala herself bears a great deal of the responsibility. for the ongoing Ukraine fiasco. If you recall, Biden sent her over to Europe right before the Russian invasion occurred during the sensitive negotiations to try and prevent the war. She [00:10:00] blew it.
In an errant tweet, she basically said Ukraine will become a part of NATO. She erased it. But it was really too late. It was very clear what the ultimate result was going to be. You won't hear much about that at the DNC, except the resolve to keep going in this genocidal war to protect what they call democracy.
The Democrats reclaiming the mantle of the working class don't represent the working class anymore. Under Obama, they went from representing white and minority workers to claiming to represent woke and radical minorities, the SEIU, rather than the building trades. Otherwise, the base of the party are the professional retainers of the ruling class and single career oriented woman who's Narcissism echoes Kamala's own.
Our job over the next days is to continue to break the attempt to control the environment by [00:11:00] enforcing reality, introducing people to the Republican Party platform, which can truly save this country. We have to face the fact of what the media has become and not use it, finding and building our own truth communities on X and other platforms.
They are only out to invigorate their dedicated base in order to make the fraud they intend to pull off plausible. They can't and will not recruit beyond that. Their ideology, their platform, everything about them is toxic. We are out to recruit outside the present parameters of the political parties to MAGA, creating a self conscious electorate which is truly too big to rig.
Stay tuned tonight for Bob Ingram's class. In fact, tune in on it. It'll be very interesting because he's going to talk about the effort to create a true American culture after the Revolution, something that Edgar [00:12:00] Allan Poe was deeply involved in, but which had a lot of follow on pieces. I'll be producing a piece over the weekend about the true nature of Kamala and who supports her, the true nature of Kamala and Waltz, and try to wrap that up in a convenient package for you.
I'll see you on Monday. Let's keep organizing. We can win this thing, but only if people are not flummoxed by the reality which they're trying to impose on us. It's all illusion. Reality itself is breaking through. Thanks a lot for listening.
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