The Saturday Wrap-Up - Real Change Is Determining Trump's Victory - October 19, 2024

Like the British in the American Revolution, the regime sponsoring the empty suit, Kamala, appears to have all the power, yet they are losing to a mysterious force they cannot understand. It is something beyond all their behavior profiling and computer models. It is a spirit of renewal and revolt.

The Saturday Wrap-Up - Real Change Is Determining Trump's Victory - October 19, 2024
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Like the British in the American Revolution, the regime sponsoring the empty suit, Kamala, appears to have all the power, yet they are losing to a mysterious force they cannot understand. It is something beyond all their behavior profiling and computer models. It is a spirit of renewal and revolt with Trump, Musk, and JD Vance focusing on offering Americans of all races and creeds and, particularly young people, a future and a purpose. All the Cheneys, Obamas, and Kamala can offer in their alliance of war mongers is a fixed and dying "order" benefiting only the wealthy professional class. Trump is capturing the spirit of change, the nature of the universe itself. Otherwise we cover new developments in the forever wars provoked by Biden and Kamala.


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Transcript: The Saturday Wrap-Up - Real Change Is Determining Trump's Victory - October 19, 2024

Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] It's Saturday, October 19th, 2024, and this is Barbara Boyd and your Saturday wrap. 18 days now. Across the land, a huge mobilization is taking place to swamp the vote for Donald Trump, to create an election victory too big to rig. A landslide which will overcome all of the satanic planning the desperate Democrats are now entertaining.

And right now, every poll in the battleground states is surging toward Trump. Like the British, who we fought a revolution against, all the political power appears to be on the regime's side. But as our revolution proved, appearances can be very deceiving when confronting the human spirit. They have a billion dollars raised from the regime's elite billionaire sons and daughters, and a vaunted ground game with paid staff in each of the battleground states, [00:01:00] running ads now and knocking on doors 24 hours a day.

Orange man bad. He will be a dictator. You will lose everything if he is elected. That is their desperate message now. Amplified through a corporate news media which is openly rigging things for them. Publishing one fabricated propaganda piece after another. In a government directed propaganda assault using military psy war tactics formerly perfected for use only against foreign enemies. Now they've been turned on the American people in revolt.

The entirety of the fascist apparatus built by Obama and Biden is geared up to fix things to ensure they win. The people who cooed Trump, who cooed Biden, who prosecute their political opponents and censor them, yet claim Donald Trump is the fascist.

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have [00:02:00] been forced out of their three multi million dollar mansions and are now hitting the campaign trail in desperation. Obama told Joe Biden at Ethel Kennedy's funeral that they still had time. Time for what? They are losing the Black population and Hispanic populations because their economic and cultural policies suck.

They are so out of touch that Kamala Harris thinks that offering Black men marijuana franchises funded by cryptocurrency will somehow do the trick. This proposal was roundly attacked on black social media as racist pandering, with an intensity unseen throughout this last week. They're losing the youth population because they cannot offer them a future.

Consisting of anything other than gig jobs and rented small apartments and, more significantly, a life without any purpose whatsoever at all. [00:03:00] What is now cleared is that the Washington Minions live in a bubble and are incapable of talking to people who aren't members of their cult. With all that political machinery on their side, with all of that exquisite profiling of behaviors, they're losing.

It's not just they are trying to sell a bad product, namely Kamala, although she is clearly playing that major role. She went on Fox with Bret Baier and staged a female hissy fit about being asked real questions for the first time about open borders, about covering up Joe Biden's senility, about the inflation which is killing everyone who is not a billionaire.

Her acolytes, however, said her seething fit proved that she was a strong woman. That's the nature of their brainwashing. Those who are not members of the cult found her shrill, uninformed, and on a [00:04:00] more insightful end of the spectrum, somewhat like an aspiring but completely unhinged dominatrix. Instead of going to the famous Al Smith Catholic dinner in New York, a political tradition.

She instead, engaged in a staged video where you are supposed to roast both yourself and your political opponent comedically at that dinner. She chose a Saturday Night Live former cast member who staged her career based on mocking Catholic nuns. This occurred in a week in which her ally, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, mocked the Eucharist itself in a video by taking communion from some satanic sex pot offering Doritos as the body of Christ.

But aside from Kamala's craziness and incompetence, the population [00:05:00] just isn't buying any of it anymore. They are in motion. They want a revolution now. They are enthralled by the prospect of kicking over the chessboard that Donald Trump represented and represents. There is a spirit of revolt moving through the land, a phase shift beyond anything that they can profile or poll.

People change. Change is the nature of the universe. People are capable of changing. That change, however, is the enemy of the behavioral psychologists, the people who construct all of our static political profiles They can't profile it.

All of this regime's trick box has been exposed in the last eight years because Donald Trump refused to put his tail between his legs and sleek away with a deal guaranteeing his life and his safety and that of his family. He fought and fights. That is why the image of him [00:06:00] from Butler and fight, fight, fight has become so iconic, why it so resonates.

The population was fooled once by this same trick box to avoid the alleged dictator, Donald Trump. They voted in a completely rigged election for a president who everyone around him knew was senile, incapable of being president of the United States. Allowing the country to be run by a team of people claiming to be elite technocrats, but who turned out to be incapable of any creative or original thought, and instead executed a menu handed to them by the international oligarchy assembled in the modern British financial empire, a menu which dictated the destruction of whatever was left of that irksome American spirit, that irksome American desire for sovereignty, that irksome population of American citizens of [00:07:00] all races, colors, and creeds.

Trump, on the other hand, has continued to wage a brilliant and courageous campaign, capturing that spirit, which is loose in the population. He went to the Chicago Economics Club on Tuesday and confronted the British Empire directly in the form of John Micklethwait, CBE, Commander of the British Empire. This fop currently heads the anglophilic Michael Bloomberg's news operations, having run for many years The Economist magazine, which is the City of London's mouthpiece.

He tried to confront Trump, Mr. White, which you can't Say it without a lisp, he tried to confront Trump directly on tariffs, and he himself being a free trade fanatic, sponsoring such throughout his career, that free trade doctrine of British imperialism, which has killed [00:08:00] and is killing our economic future.

Trump slaughtered him. He told him he didn't know what he was talking about, that all the experts have been wrong about everything. As Susan Kokinda details in her Wednesday midweek update, you can find it on the website, Trump truly put forth an America first, American system agenda. Then Trump did a hilarious stand up comedy routine at the Al Smith dinner, appearing there with his wife, Melania.

She recently wrote a book expressing views at odds with his, yet they are happy collaborators, demonstrating the power of their love and at the same time, the falsity of the narrative which says Trump will ruthlessly crush opposing views. On Friday, Trump went to the center of the city of Detroit, Michigan, Cobo Hall, not the distant suburbs where Republicans have traditionally [00:09:00] campaigned. He went there to promise to make that city, once again, as it was in World War II, the industrial and manufacturing driver of the entire economy, yet again. He spoke before a working class crowd of all colors and creeds.

It was a love letter to Detroit and to the America, which was once bold, constantly opening new frontiers and science and technology, and creating a future, which was exciting to the minds of the children, who would take up that torch when it was their time. Elon Musk, at the same time, was crisscrossing Pennsylvania in rallies which are drawing huge audiences from young people. Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, R. F. K. Jr., J. D. Vance are doing the same in the battleground states.

Central to this emerging youth vote is the issue of war and peace. Kamala Harris has aligned herself [00:10:00] fully with Dick Cheney, John Bolton, and other Republican neocon warmongers, and is openly campaigning with them and praising them.

This week saw significant developments in the two raging wars these people have provoked. And for the first time, Donald Trump set it out there. Joe Biden provoked the Ukraine War. Joe Biden flew to Germany to confer with the allies, Germany, France, and Britain, about Ukraine and the continuing slaughter and dismemberment of the Ukrainian nation now taking place.

They hope to keep this hidden until after the election, but the contours of the defeat are breaking out everywhere. Ukraine's electricity grid is 70% destroyed. They possibly cannot get through the winter. There is a lot of press coverage saying that Zelensky delivered an ultimatum.

Either put us in NATO or we will go nuclear. He brought [00:11:00] this up and then promptly had to retract it when his controllers saw the popular outrage that statement had ignited. It is indeed possible that Ukraine's controllers, namely the British, will do something extraordinarily dangerous and radical on the eve of this defeat.

New information emerged this week showing that it is the British who have run the Ukrainian operation into the Kursk region of Russia itself. They need to keep these things up ahead of the election, they need to keep the narrative alive, because once the magnitude of this defeat, the evil intent driving this war becomes clear, the populations, not just in the United States, but in all of Europe, will accelerate the revolt against their elites and overthrow them.

For now, Biden has come out of this meeting promising to ask Congress for an additional 13 billion for Ukraine, in short order, and 12 billion [00:12:00] for disaster relief. You get that? The people in Georgia, North Carolina, etc. can only get their due to people in Florida who suffered from the hurricanes if they go along with yet even more money for Ukraine.

Just as absurd, pictures from these meetings show the sundowning Biden wandering into a photo op and struggling all the way to navigate his way into it. Basically openly navigating the floor itself. An angry, senile old man masquerading as the American president nakedly before the entire world. It is a farce. It is horrible.

In Israel, Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader and mastermind of the October 7th attack on Israel was found and killed. There is much speculation about how this might lead to an end to the war. Israel is divided between the desire of Netanyahu and his band [00:13:00] of zealots to militarily reshape the entire Middle East.

Along with a faction of the neocons here in the United States, and that's inclusive of dragging the United States into an open war with Iran. Others see the need for fixing a desired endpoint to this war, which will bring long lasting peace to this area, rather than new generations of seething, oppressed people seeking revenge for what happened to their elders, and seeking what they view as justice.

What is clear is that no one in the current American regime is capable of ending this war. Trump had almost brought peace to the region through the Abraham Accords, and Biden and his minions promptly tore them up. Upon resuming office, only revisiting them once the religious war, the type of war most difficult to end in history, had been ignited.

What is now afoot in the [00:14:00] United States is a sea change, particularly with what Musk and Trump are bringing to the younger generation. Musk talks about those enthusiastically attending his rallies as coming there because he offers them a purpose, a mission, a future in which they can exercise their divine gift of creativity and intellect in a grand adventure of colonizing the moon and Mars, and indeed, engaging in interplanetary travel.

That perspective of interplanetary travel and its accompanying engineering and scientific discoveries changes everything. It overcomes the pessimism at the heart of the fascist creed. It celebrates the true nature of men and women. Remember, it was Barack Obama who ended manned space missions, ended the quest for fusion power, made it his mission to make feudalism and appropriate basket weaving [00:15:00] technologies somehow cool, the thing to be, along with conversations about the necessity for assisted suicide at the end of life, based on budgetary constraints.

Tonight's class will explore the scientific implications of Moon Mars colonization. While much of what has been presented has to do with engineering, and is very inspiring, how to build synthetic, beautiful cities on Mars, and in deserts here on Earth, there are profound scientific issues beneath the engineering framework.

Issues which emerge include the nature of life and the true nature of the universe. That's the topic of tonight's class with Bruce Director and Tony Papert. On Monday, I will be reviewing some of the new information which has emerged about the staging of January 6th and what can be assumed about what the Democrats have planned both pre and post [00:16:00] election here.

I'll see you then. We're winning. Get out and organizing. And I'll see you again on Monday. Thanks again for listening.

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