The Saturday Wrap-Up - Regime Spins Up New Assassination Plot to Stop Trump - October 12, 2024

As Donald Trump surges in the polling, a new assassination plot, this time allegedly by Iran, is taking center stage. It is a desperate effort to stop him and the Biden Administration is stalling the necessary security assets to protect him despite repeated requests from the Trump campaign.

The Saturday Wrap-Up - Regime Spins Up New Assassination Plot to Stop Trump - October 12, 2024

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As Donald Trump surges in the polling, a new assassination plot, this time allegedly by Iran, is taking center stage. It is a desperate effort to stop him and the Biden Administration is stalling the necessary security assets to protect him despite repeated requests from the Trump campaign. We detail the plot and the need to call out the White House directly for it. We also present the state of the presidential race at the end of a week which many view as a big turning point in Trump's favor.


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Transcript: The Saturday Wrap-Up - Regime Spins Up New Assassination Plot to Stop Trump - October 12, 2024

2WAY TONIGHT: [00:00:00] What, what would you be worried about if you were in the Trump campaign, which is feeling pretty good right now? One, whether or not, for example, this I think is very interesting. If you have younger black males in Philadelphia for Trump, it's probably harder to steal votes. Uh, because they no longer have unified precincts.

Um, I worry about the, uh, the, uh, service employees union's capacity in nursing homes. To help vote for people who have Alzheimer's and otherwise incapacitated. Uh, so I, in that sense, that's part of the democratic machine. I said back in, in 1973 in the Atlanta Constitution, Republicans have to win by 4% in order to overcome the theft.

Uh, and I'll stick with that. Um, but I think also there's a momentum now. Uh, I frankly, I frankly worry the most about what you said early on. We have now been told publicly that the Iranian [00:01:00] government is officially trying to kill one of the two Republican presidential candidates. And we've been told apparently by both the New York Times and the Post that Joe Biden doesn't want to provide the appropriate security.

Now, I find that, frankly, terrifying, and I think the consequences of that neglect could be historic on a scale we can't even imagine, and I hope President Biden will decide that he needs to do the prudent thing, and that is provide whatever level of protection, because now, now you're talking about state sponsored terrorism, you're not talking about some kid with a rifle, you're talking about professional trained teams trying to get even for what Trump did to the head of the IRGC.

That worries me more than any other single thing from now, not just the election, from now to the inauguration. And I consider it to be election interference if they don't allow one of the major party nominees to campaign on the pace he wants and doing the kind of events he wants to do. I just, I just don't think that's [00:02:00] even a close call.

It's not a matter of money, it's not a matter of precedent. If there's threats against the life of one of the nominees, and he says, for me to campaign the way I want to, in the last three weeks, I need extra stuff. We need to do that. I just don't think it's a close call. And I don't see how Biden can live with himself if, if he puts a Republican, a national figure in danger of being killed by a foreign dictatorship.

And as of tonight Or, or anybody else. Well, but in particular, I wasn't all that worried about random nutcakes. A good friend of mine who does a lot of work with the special forces and with intelligence came to me yesterday and said, when you think of the Iranians, you're in a different world, and you need a radically deeper level of defense.

And that probably includes special forces who can stop drones. I only bring up the two who tried, because they tried and we don't know what their motives were, and we don't know what connections they have. President [00:03:00] Trump on a podcast the other day said, I don't know if it's true, but he said the government has still not gotten access to their phones to understand who they were communicating with.

And, I mean, it's bizarre that those two guys

Biden has run the risk both of tearing the country apart and of having his legacy be the man who allowed the Iranian dictatorship to kill an American leader. And they ought to, by tomorrow morning, totally change their position. I agree with that. That worries me more than anything else in the campaign

Barbara Boyd: Hi, everybody. It's Saturday. This is Barbara Boyd, and this is your Saturday Wrap. What we just played is from the Friday Mark Halperin political podcast, Two Way, which serves up analysis of the presidential race twice a day. You heard Newt Gingrich and Mark Halpern refer to two articles, one in the Washington Post and the other in the New York [00:04:00] Times, in which details of Donald Trump's requests for enhanced security in the final weeks of the presidential campaign were leaked.

The requests include military aircraft with military capabilities designed to thwart sophisticated assassination attempts by state actors. The government, in the form of the National Intelligence Director, Avril Haines, has briefed the Trump campaign extensively on the claim that Trump is under direct threat from Iran based on the assassination of Soleimani and that that threat is escalating.

The implication, however, in both media pieces published yesterday, Friday, is that the enhanced security required by the leading presidential candidate, who has already survived two assassination attempts, is stuck somewhere in the bureaucratic [00:05:00] chain. Biden said, according to the pieces, give him the security a president gets, yet the assets have not been deployed.

At the same time, Biden himself continues to express his hard wired and violent hatred of Trump at every opportunity. The just retired chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, Has just come out in a book by Bob Woodward, calling Trump the purist of fascists, requiring any and all extra legal measures to neutralize and contain. The new Joint Chiefs Chair, the woke Air Force General C. Q. Brown, echoes, Mark Milley's Animus and Hatred.

This is occurring as Trump is surging in the polls in a week, which many believe represents a turning point in the race. On the lawfare front, the appeals court oral arguments against Tish James's [00:06:00] New York civil law campaign to bankrupt Trump seemed to forecast a devastating reversal of this travesty in Trump's favor. Probably before the election. You can read about that in Revolver News and we'll post the link.

Jack Smith and his buddy, the renegade judge, Tanya Chutkin, are trying to collaborate to create a new wave of outraged rejection of Trump around January 6th. But only the zealots for Harris appear to be listening. No one else seems interested.

At the same time, the sugar high around Harris, not being Joe Biden, is fading as fast as anything that ever happened. And she continues to screw up, monumentally. Some have looked at her antics. and questioned whether she even wants to win the race or is [00:07:00] even capable of it.

Thus, the assassination prospects take center stage as an October surprise in this regime's calculations. It is occurring as the regime tries to cover up and keep the lid on the two previous assassination attempts, at least until after the election, lest it disrupt what appears to be the construction of a cover story for the new assassination attempt, this time blaming Iran, a scenario which has certain convenience for all neocon aims in the Middle East, namely creating the circumstance for a direct war with Iran.

The Iran assassination card, however, was already in play prior to Butler, with the FBI even framing up and producing a fake potential Iranian linked assassin in a fake plot. Lee Smith debunks that thoroughly in a piece he posted this week. Again, we're providing the [00:08:00] link. So the normalization process for another regime attempt on Donald Trump's life is being carried forward in the media, it's begun this time with the prospect that Iran will do it and the undermanned and generally outfoxed and inept Americans security forces are incapable of protecting Trump.

The absolutely despicable theme being conveyed is that this is Trump's fault. His fault because he insists on campaigning fully for the presidency, while under threat, which is going to get him killed, and it's his own fault that this is happening.

The remedy for this, as we have said repeatedly, is to put the spotlight high up in the chain of command for any potential assassination. Call the White House directly and demand that they provide everything Trump has asked for and more. The White House number is 202 456 [00:09:00] 1111 and their switchboard should be flooded with that simple request.

Give Donald Trump everything that he needs and everything that any security expert at this point in time would assess and give him full stop. Again, the White House should be issuing a public statement saying that they are protecting Trump as if a member of their own family, with every resource our government has. This needs to change right now.

Now, concerning the shift we're seeing, internal polling is showing Trump up significantly in all the key battleground states. If the trend is enforced by the discipline necessary to rack up a landslide, something which has begun to look achievable, an overwhelming victory like the one Reagan had in 1984, things can change [00:10:00] radically in this country and the world, because of the popular mandate.

It will be daunting for anyone to challenge it. That is the goal. On the other side, nothing is working real right now. Barack Obama was deployed to lecture black men about their sexism and not supporting his protege, Kamala. And basically, all he got was a huge backlash. That fell flat.

Kamala appeared on 60 Minutes in an interview which was gratuitously edited to blank out her incoherent moments, of which there were many. She then said that there was nothing that she could think of that she could do differently than Joe Biden. Which blew the entire premise of her fake campaign, the theme that they have been shouting everywhere and anywhere that she is different than Joe Biden and represents, quote [00:11:00] unquote, a new direction, the brand of the campaign.

She then went to Univision in a forum in Las Vegas, which was supposed to be an unscripted town hall. With undecided Hispanic voters, she used a teleprompter and a script to answer questions from an audience who was pre selected and flown into Las Vegas, where there was a huge Hispanic population, because they were pro Kamala Harris and not really, really undecided.

The Democrats have a huge war chest and they are spending it daily smearing Trump in every conceivable way. Come up with a new way to smear Trump, which is any kind of resonance with single females, transgenders, or woke professionals who have climbed their way to the top of the expert class or the woke military, and you will get published in the New York Times, the Washington Post, or Politico.

More [00:12:00] far out experiments and other favored intelligence community media dumps will also get you published. People, however, who are viewing this are basically discounting it. They're just not listening. They've learned. They've learned that we're being constantly bombarded with a fake propaganda apparatus which has lost all touch with reality.

People who the public is said to admire, like professional athletes, pop stars, icons of our gross, non productive culture, are everywhere touting the virtues of Kamala Harris. The problem is that they are trying to sell something which is incapable of being sold. It is a bad product, one that people can see would hurt them, rather than helping them in any perceivable way.

Trump and Vance continue to lay out their vision for righting the ship of the republic, no more forever destructive [00:13:00] wars, an economy that lifts and favors the working and producer classes by becoming an industrial and manufacturing and scientific powerhouse again. Rebuild a new cities and a mission to colonize space, which will revolutionize the production processes in all sectors of life here on earth.

Amplifying that message of actual hope and change for this beleaguered population, people understanding the true nature of the American system of economy which Trump is pursuing, is the key to victory, not just in the election, but in the dangerous days right after the election, when they will attempt to once again assert control.

Joe Biden once told my husband in New Hampshire that the problem with Lyndon LaRouche, the politician who rediscovered, promoted, and improved Hamilton's American system, was that LaRouche thought that the American people were a lot smarter than they actually are.

The Trump [00:14:00] campaign is proving Biden was wrong and that a mobilized and educated population capable of governing is rising now, outside the immediate view of pollsters, pundits, and professionals who live in their own bubble, divorced from the reality going on in the population. It is this force which can save the country.

We'll have a new pamphlet out soon. Focusing on what we call American System 2. 0, and that will be our primary educational vehicle over the next couple of weeks.

Stay tuned. There's lots of good things happening, but the danger really is still before us. Thanks for listening. I'll see you again and update you on Monday.

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