The Saturday Wrap-Up - Trump Goes Toe to Toe with the British Financial Empire - February 22, 2025
Yesterday marked the fifth week of Donald J. Trump's presidency, and we delve into four major developments that defined the week.
A political earthquake occurred in America yesterday. RFK, Jr. suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump. The two agree about ending the reign of the NeoCons in foreign policy and the Ukraine War, about ending the regime's war on free speech and dissent, and about a bold approach toward conquering chronic childhood and other diseases. The picture painted of the impact of these on America's children at the behest of Big Food and Big Pharma is shocking. Thus, they threw down the gauntlet against the powerful and corrupt corporativist fascists who control the Democratic Party and much else. It will be a hard fight, but one which can be won if we adopt that same attitude of mind and courage demonstrated by Kennedy and Trump, the mindset of our forefathers.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. This is August 24th, 2024. I'm Barbara Boyd, and this is your Saturday Wrap for the week. Yesterday, Friday, I believe, will go down as a very significant day in United States and human history. That is, if we take full advantage of the promise which has opened up here.
Yesterday, as most of you probably know, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. withdrew his candidacy from the presidential race in the battleground states and through his support to Donald Trump. In doing so, the two of them opened up a new and very serious challenge to the critical issues which drive our oligarchical elite's domination of us at this point in time. A new front has been opened, and it truly is the type of thing which can save this nation.[00:01:00]
As Kennedy put it, he and Trump disagree on some serious issues. I suspect that's largely around his environmental prejudices. But they agree on the truly existential issues facing the United States. The control by the neocons of U. S. foreign policy and the deadly Ukraine war, they want to work together to bring an end to this before the insanity of these people blows up the world, which is a very near term possibility.
This morning's Washington Post, for example, carries the headline, Putin's red lines keep being crossed and he keeps blinking. Do they really believe that that is going to be the case as they continue on in Russia and lose, in Ukraine itself, most of the land they are trying to defend? Do they really believe that Putin is not going to respond and the Russian people are not going to [00:02:00] respond to the United States and the British and NATO invading Russia itself?
So, Trump and Kennedy agree on the danger and insanity of these people and are challenging them directly. They want to end together the politicization of our justice system and the totalitarian censorship regime set into motion by Barack Obama and continued in its most rabid form by Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.
They want to deal with the causes of our health care decline, what Kennedy calls the war by Big Pharma and Big Ag on our children, which has resulted in sinking life expectancies and a very sick, chronically ill population. The statistics he lays out are truly shocking. It is a national emergency. In his speech, RFK said that this would [00:03:00] start with cleaning out the corrupt officials at the FDA and National Institutes of Health, and bringing real scientists and doctors in to address this crisis.
Finally, finally, the disaster which gave us COVID 19 and that response is about to be ended. They agree on many other issues, including the need to bring an end to open borders and illegal immigration and to educate our kids for the jobs which Trump's platform is promising in advanced science, technology, and modern manufacturing when As Trump promises, we become a self sufficient nation again.
At Trump's rally in Glendale, Arizona last night, the two took the stage together, and the result was electric. The crowd, normally inspired by Trump, was now drawn to the sun of that very important American tradition, [00:04:00] that Kennedy family tradition in the Democratic Party, at a time when the Democratic Party itself used to represent the working class, used to represent unions, used to represent civil rights and peace.
When John F. Kennedy called upon us to organize the best talents and forces of our nature and conquer space by going to the moon, the rally transitioned in that moment, as both stood on the stage to the cheers of the crowd, which had become ecstatic. From a political event, it changed to a spiritual one, in which those in the crowd evoked the soul of that memory, of that national mission, robbed from us, by an assassin's bullet.
It could not be clearer that this was a declaration of war against the mendacity of pure evil that we have experienced in the past week from the manufactured Democratic Party convention. President [00:05:00] Trump promised to launch a full investigation of political assassinations, including the Kennedy assassination, releasing all the files and putting sunlight on this deep oligarchical state.
Obviously, there could not have been a deeper contrast with the Democrats vibe, no substance whore show in Chicago. As opposed to substance, the substance presented in Glendale, Chicago was one big fake, led by the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey, and the Clintons. These are the people who abandoned the Democratic Party, my parents and the Kennedys, and decided that the future of the party lay with billionaires on Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and London and Brussels.
Chris Cuomo, having been kicked to the curb by his former masters in covering the convention, kept pointing to the box seats at the top of the hall and noting that they cost a half a million bucks [00:06:00] each. Of course, Republicans have this too, but not in this gross, lying, gaslighting way of claiming to be your next door neighbor in a working class neighborhood as your motif, when really, you're nothing but a servant of this oligarchical class.
They built a system of NGOs to carry their nation funded by inherited wealth, and then spent substantial parts of their speeches attacking Donald Trump's inherited wealth. They declared all about taking more than our due, the selfishness of the so called rich and Donald Trump, while they themselves have four huge luxury houses and make hundreds of thousands of dollars per speech to their elite friends, just like the speeches they gave to the Democrats this week.
They claim to be victims of structural American racism when the fulsome support of the American people has made them [00:07:00] billionaires. When the economy crossed in 2008, they bailed out the banks on the backs of the American people. They allowed millions to be foreclosed upon and then claimed that the fines they extracted from the fraudsters chump change in that universe would somehow be a measure of social justice personified.
The whole deal with Kamala on social media reveals her character. She proudly claims to be a brat, a young female narcissist enamored of herself with no actual engine under that shiny hood. I wrote a piece on this, which is posted on the website, but it was eclipsed by yesterday's events. The biggest substance points in her acceptance speech were her support for all of the Biden policies, including specifically the war in Ukraine, coupled with the idea that somehow she performed breakthrough work as a [00:08:00] prosecutor on the civil suits which fined the banks for their criminal conduct in 2008, without sending one person to jail, again on the backs of the working class.
Like Obama, she claimed to be the shield against all the people with pitchforks out there, full of oligarchs who did this. Being that shield has resulted in all of her subsequent corrupt political positioning, both for her, the Obama family, and the entire Democratic Party oligarchy now in force. So here we are.
Yesterday, the Trump campaign, now joined by RFK Jr., vowed to take on the truly rotten forces controlling our society presently. The other side It's totally on board with these policies. It is a big job, a huge job when you actually think about it. But something you know in your heart of hearts has to be done if the [00:09:00] nation is to survive. It is dangerous. These people kill. But if we're going to survive as a nation, we have to take up this fight.
That means really doing your homework, studying, getting out and organizing. We have a chance now to do it, a chance to really cause a new birth of these United States, one capable of proudly representing the heritage of our past. The battle yesterday was truly joined.
I thought that Roseanne Barr, as usual, hit the nail on her head when talking about the Trump Kennedy alliance. She said, I haven't seen the Democrats this upset since Lincoln freed the slaves. Touche.
Tonight we're not having a class. We're going to be out organizing. We'll be back with classes after Labor Day. We're hoping that you'll take up the cause [00:10:00] that was laid down yesterday over the course of the next days and weeks.
Study, study, study the platform so that you can organize others to show them what the difference is in this way forward for our country versus the vacuous fascism being expressed in Chicago. Study, study, study the platform and organize others, pledge to take 10 people to the polls to get 10 new people registered.
That's how we're gonna win. And now we have an overwhelming chance to do so. It really is our to lose. I will see you again on Monday. It would help us go forward if you would contribute. We're organizing at the state convention in Michigan, elsewhere, all over the weekend. We need your help to make this work. But, yesterday was a true breath of fresh air, a [00:11:00] true American experience, something which has the enemy completely freaked out.
So, enjoy it, but let's move forward and make it actually realize the promise which was set forth there. Thanks very much for listening, I'll see you again on Monday.
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