Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (3/6)
Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's "The Lost Art of the Capital Budget."
The Saturday wrap reviews the knife fight for control of the Democratic Party and the Democratic Presidential nomination, the NATO summit of used up men pronouncing new forever wars, the lost war in Ukraine, and the Trump/Orban quest for peace. The Democrats have a tar baby problem. No one they can run can separate themselves from Biden's failed policies. Trump's platform contrasts with the Democrats' campaign of fear, now centered on lying narratives about Project 2025 from Heritage. That document is typical bipartisan nonsense about war and peace along with Bush Republican economic nostrums. It has nothing to do with Trump's agenda of ending forever wars, rebuilding our cities, becoming a manufacturing superpower, and colonizing space.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi everybody. It's Saturday, July 13th, and it has been a very tumultuous week. We're going to cover here the things which I think are most important. The knife fight between the Biden family and the Obamas and Clintons about control of the Democratic Party and the presidential nomination. The NATO summit of used up leaders frantically declaring new and continued wars to justify their existence, which has been countered by Viktor Orban's quest for peace after visiting Ukraine, Russia, and China, he went to Mar a Lago, to meet with Donald Trump.
And they basically trumped the whole NATO war game saying, basically as Orban put it, Trump is a man of peace and he will figure it out, i. e. how to end the slaughter in the Biden era. [00:01:00] Obama created Ukraine Slaughterhouse. President Trump's own platform edited personally by him was released ahead of the Republican party convention. It is very important, very optimistic, and I'll detail just a little bit of that. Let's start with the topics that I outlined.
The knife fight. The context was set by Biden's disastrous debate with Trump. The American people now know that the president is senile, that the media and the intelligence community have covered up that fact, and that continuing charade threatens the very existence of the United States.
But the president's senility. And the regime's complicity in covering up is only a very visible representation of the delusions of the American elites, delusions [00:02:00] which Biden and all of Washington's finest have joined in for decades. If they prevail and Trump is not elected, you can count on further economic devastation and a nuclear war on the immediate American agenda.
On Biden's side of the fight, they're trying to make people unsee what they already saw in the debate with Trump. Why Biden even did this demonstrates that his campaign circle is unhinged from reality. They have successfully shopped a mentally compromised human being for all these years. And assumed he would not freeze when he met his nemesis, the man he hates violently, Donald Trump.
As opposed to the way they had profiled and prepared for Trump, he was calm, cool, and collected. He didn't shout. He didn't interrupt. He [00:03:00] basically attacked Biden directly and purposefully on immigration and the economy and the wars, which are the key issues dominating the actual American landscape.
Biden lost it. Since then, he has been campaigning to prove that he is not mentally incompetent all the time. He had a press conference in which they set the expectation that people were going to see a full blown car crash with fatalities. Instead, they saw a fender bender and said, well, maybe he's okay.
But this fact about his senility has been known in official Washington since at least 2019. Tucker Carlson reports that Biden's sister, Val, was telling confidence that Joe Biden was senile and the family didn't want him to run. Lyndon LaRouche was accurate as describing Biden as devoid of [00:04:00] any mental compass or really any conscience way back in 1987, when Biden's plagiarisms and fabrications forced his withdrawal from the presidential race.
LaRouche wrote at that time, so much of Senator Biden is now attributed to be a carbon copy of other persons that a humorist might be forced to speculate on whether or not Joe Biden was merely a computer synthesized hologram pieced together out of entries taken from Bartlett's familiar quotations.
On the other side are the Clintons and the Obamas, who have provided all of Biden's staffing and all of his justifications. It's something of an admitted fact in D.C. that Barack Obama has been running Biden's administration directly and indirectly and support operations for it this whole time. The [00:05:00] polling is brutal.
Basically what it shows is that he is losing in all of the battlegrounds. There's no path for him or for the Democrats in the Congress or the Senate. Hence the freak outs. The Obamas and the Clintons are now withholding donor funds. One third of what was pledged for an ad buy for October, unless Biden drops out.
It's kind of easy to predict that a whistleblower will be coming forward with new damaging revelations. Or maybe not. Maybe they'll just leak the audio of special counsel Robert Herr's Biden deposition. In which her concluded, Biden is a senile old man and he can't be tried criminally because of that. They have a supreme tar baby problem. No candidate separate from Biden separated themselves on his policies of either economy or war.[00:06:00]
All of them are in on it and have been historically. Bill Clinton outsourced the last of our industrial bays to China, completing what the Bush family had not already shipped there. Clinton, after all, after his presidency, said that he was actually a member of the Bush family. Nancy Pelosi has said the same.
Barack Obama bailed out the World Central Banks on the backs of the American people in 2008 and started the new mode of regime change forever wars throughout the world. Biden just accelerated this process by adopting lock, stock, and barrel, the World Economic Forum's program for driving nation states back into feudalist enclaves controlled by the oligarchy. That's the cause of the inflation, all of the Build Back Better program, all of the destruction of [00:07:00] energy resources. Klaus Schwab provides some continuity in this whole thing. He was a student of Henry Kissinger, who in turn was the was a student of William Yandell Elliott, a certified member of the British round table.
Biden was tanking in the polls even before the debate because of these policies. His disastrous debate performance only put the cherry on the cake. The only thing they have now is to sell fear. Their newest gambit is, complete hysteria around the Heritage Foundation's Project 25. This is not Trump's program.
There's lots of Trump people involved. Some of it might be adopted by Trump, but Heritage has been doing this stuff since 1981, setting forth the agenda for the Republican Party. Most of it has been a disaster. [00:08:00] The current chapter on defense and security, the security state, the intelligence community, for example, says that we have to prepare for war with both China and Russia.
Is that any different from what the Democrats are saying and doing? Not so, but it shows you the hypocrisy of saying that Trump has adopted something radical, which is going to destroy the country. In fact, most of the policies in there take their lead from the present Washington consensus on foreign policy and intelligence and the economic nostrums of the Bush family and the Bush Republican Party.
A lot of it is inside mechanics about how the government runs. It's not very interesting stuff. It runs a thousand pages and is very boring. I think they're banking on the fact that nobody's going to read it to see what it actually says. But that's their latest thing, saying that basically Trump [00:09:00] did this and it's destructive of the nation. It has nothing to do with what Trump is actually proposing in his policy which I'll get back to.
So, that's the current status of the political fight. The Democrats are frantic and selling fear, as they have been doing for the last period ever since Hillary Clinton was deposed by someone they think of as a class traitor, namely Donald Trump. And, you know, basically the piece I wrote about all of this is called Short Term Senility Reveals Long Term Delusion. I think that pretty much sums it up.
NATO met this week for its 75th anniversary summit in Washington, D.C. They pledged at least another year in the forever war. However, Biden has a side [00:10:00] agreement with Zelensky for 10 years of U.S. support for the Ukraine war. Something which they hope to use to sideline Trump actually solving this damn thing.
The Wall Street Journal had a fascinating piece this week talking about how Ukraine has simply become a giant experimental battlefield for weapons which are going to be deployed ultimately for the war with China, which NATO and the Brits are very much trying to suck us into.
This is all about drone warfare using AI. But Russia is adapting, they write, very quickly, and all of the wonder weapons being introduced only last for two weeks at best. It's the difference between running a proxy war and a war for profit versus being in a war for survival of both your nation and your culture.
When we retrofit something here in the [00:11:00] United States. We're not doing so based on the latest information on the battlefield. And our manufacturing and engineering practices are out of date, since we stopped being a full set manufacturing economy a long, long time ago. NATO, even called upon sanctioning China now for helping Russia in the war, allegedly.
Yet, our entire defense supply chain is based in China. Threaten them too hard, and we don't have a defense supply chain in the present crazy reality. In total, the summit represented a summit of dinosaur leaders who are constantly being rejected by their own populations in France, in Britain, all across Europe.
They face defeat by their own people, and Biden is only part of that overall dynamic. You think about the difference [00:12:00] with Orban and Trump campaigning for peace in the world. Will Wirtz will be doing a class tonight, which I urge you to watch, about LaRouche's proposal for a four power agreement between Russia, China, India, and the United States to take down this financier oligarchy once and for all.
It's what we hope we can prevail upon a new Trump administration to adopt as the official foreign policy of the United States. Now Trump's platform, it's hugely optimistic. It is based on nuclear power, space exploration, complete and total use of fossil fuels, all of which is based on building a platform for the United States to become a manufacturing superpower once again.
It talks about city building as the answer to the collapse of our cities under Democratic Party policies. It talks about [00:13:00] revitalizing. All of our extant cities are making them beautiful. It talks about an end to wars.
There's a big battle in anticipation of who Trump will pick as vice president. The establishment would like him to pick Doug Burgum that's very clear. The Trump movement settles on J.D. Vance, but even there, there's a problem with the foreign policy consensus. Vance still believes that the ultimate danger and the ultimate thing we should be preparing for is a war with China. As we will go through tonight, that doesn't have to happen that way. It is a difficult problem. Don't get me wrong. This is not a society I would like to live in, but nonetheless, we can come to an accommodation, which actually benefits the entire world.
So, that's really the exciting thing, the optimistic thing, he's talking about a new framework for funding things, [00:14:00] tariffs, to fund great projects, but really, we should take it a step further, it really is time for full implementation of Lyndon LaRouche's four laws for economic recovery.
Trump is now clearly identifying the enemy. Basically we'll be at the convention next week and covering it in depth. It will be a welcome respite from all of the nonsense which the media has driven us crazy about for the last six years. We're now on the verge of something very big, something very exciting.
And we have a big role here at Promethean Action and Promethean PAC to play in that. I hope you'll donate. I hope you'll come to our website and sign up for a subscription. I hope you'll watch us next week as this very exciting and optimistic next week unfolds. Thanks very much for listening. See you again on Monday.
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