Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (3/6)
Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's "The Lost Art of the Capital Budget."
This week saw continued escalations by the insane Biden Administration of the Ukraine war which Donald Trump neutralized. The fight against Tusli Gabbard, whose active soldier antiwar stance has made her a hero will expose the deepest of deep state operatives in all their ugliness.
This week saw continued escalations by the insane Biden Administration of the Ukraine war which Donald Trump neutralized. Everywhere in Europe now, particularly in France and Germany, the war mongers remain in power by the thinnest of threads with Trump like peoples' movements in ascendance. The fight against Tusli Gabbard, whose active soldier antiwar stance has made her a hero will expose the deepest of deep state operatives in all their ugliness. It will also, if mounted right, reassure the Russians that they need not take desperate measures to defend their nation as Trump and the majority of Americans have had enough, are determined to create a just peace, and will punish those pursuing evil.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Good morning. It's Saturday, December 14th. I'm Barbara Boyd, and this is the Saturday wrap to another momentous week in the reclamation of the United States by Donald Trump and you, the people. What we'll look at today is a simple fact that Donald Trump probably saved the world from an immediate nuclear or similar fiasco with his statements in his Time Magazine Man of the Year interview, which came into print on Thursday, but which was actually, recorded as an interview back in November.
In it, he reassured the Russians that Biden's insane war would be over as of January 20th, and he took other essential actions. During the week, Other things occurred, of course. Chris Wray, the disgraced FBI director, quit as both the [00:01:00] Bureau's role on January 6th and its spy operations against Kash Patel and the House Intelligence Committee during their unraveling of the Russiagate hoax led by the Bureau against Donald Trump came under examination.
In addition to Russiagate, basically the role of the FBI in January 6th had a little bit of a limited hangout in a report by FBI Inspector General Horowitz. Wray's resignation followed, however, an 11 page letter from Chuck Grassley, the incoming chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees the FBI, telling him to resign. That his presence would no longer be tolerated or funded, and that the president shouldn't have to fire him for purposes of national unity.
In the fight to confirm Trump's nominations, Tulsi Gabbard is very much the next target up of what you might call Democrats [00:02:00] masquerading as Republicans in Mitch McConnell's Senate caucus, and by the entire rotting security state apparatus of intelligence agency propagandists and narrative managers and their captive mainstream media outlets.
R. F. K. Jr. will also be on the Hill next week, and you can expect to see the second wave of exposure of those senators who have been compromised by Big Pharma and the financiers of the health industry in that particular exercise. If you think the corruption flowing from defense contractors and the intelligence community is gross and monumental, you ain't seen nothing yet when you compare it to the health insurance industry, the finance, the currently speculative sector of the economy in large, and big pharma.
Again, the problems these former power brokers have, and I say former, [00:03:00] is that they increasingly seem to be Like an ancient regime, footnotes on something that happened a long time ago. Their hold over the population is gone. It disappeared on November 5th. All they are doing now is exposing themselves in a frantic attempt to ensure they continue to have some job, some hold on power, some prestige.
But the people and Donald Trump have established a new standard for membership in the government. What your mind does to solve the enormous problems we face rather than your Ivy League education, who you know, or the size of your stock holdings or your retirement fund. Just look at Trump's assembled cabinet nominations and you'll see what I mean. It includes enormous talent from across all walks of political life set on [00:04:00] reclaiming this republic as a republic.
So let's get to it. We're going to put the Wray resignation and the nominations fight today in the context of war and peace, which is the overwhelming dynamic presently in the entire world, not just the United States. Trump's attacks on the security state and his determination expressed over and over again to bring peace to the world was a huge factor in his election, particularly with young people and dissident democrats.
In Europe, the same dynamic is it work with France and Germany in chaos their governments have no popular mandate because the war mongers in the government are being challenged by the people throwing the entire war monger controlled governments into chaos and potentially re aligning the entire advanced sector in a Trumpian fashion.
The oligarchs sit as at [00:05:00] Belshazzar's feast and see the tinker, tinker, tinker handwriting on the wall and can't really do that much except to throw very destructive fits. They are extremely weak and hence dangerous, like the fabled cornered beast.
As you may know, right after the election, the Biden administration embarked on an insane course of action to escalate Ukraine into a much wider war, and as Donald Trump kept warning, a potential nuclear catastrophe for the world. The mindset of Washington seems to be purely nihilistic and destructive, like Louis XV proclaiming, apres moi le déluge.
You can add to that Ukraine, or more accurately, the confined forces of NATO, led by the British, Using the population of Ukraine as a putative bantering ram against Russia has been massively losing the war. The country is now depopulated from [00:06:00] emigration to avoid service on the front lines to the hundreds of thousands already killed or crippled or maimed by the war, and now more than 70 percent of the population, according to recent polling, wants a settlement. of peace with Russia at whatever price.
Washington's former mandarins are frantic that Trump will engineer the peace he has promised, and the American population will find out that their leaders have made them complicit in the calculated murder of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians. For the purpose, as Senator Lindsey Graham put it, of robbing raw materials from Ukraine and Russia to make certain select people very rich.
So, Joe Biden signing off on U. S. missiles, sophisticated attackums, guided by U. S. personnel to attack targets deep inside Russia is an act of war. Nothing less than that. [00:07:00] At the same time, the French and the British got in the act by authorizing similar use of their weapons, storm shadows and scalps.
The Russians revised their guidelines for using nuclear weapons to allow for their use if a non nuclear power like Ukraine, allied with a nuclear power like the U. S. or Britain or France, attacked Russia to meet this type of threat.
The stupid and arrogant would be princes of the Potomac declared this all to be a bluff, and lines circulated among the wild men there, and particularly in London, that the U. S. and NATO could handle and win any nuclear confrontation with Russia. Madness indeed.
On November 20th, Rear Admiral Thomas Buchanan, The Director of Plans for Strategic Command, responsible for executing America's nuclear plans, told an audience at the Center for International and Strategic Studies that the [00:08:00] Biden administration was ready to engage in a nuclear conflict with Russia, one that it expected to win.
On November 25th, Donald Trump was interviewed by Time Magazine for its Person of the Year award, the interview which was just published on Thursday. Twice in the interview, and not in response to any particular question, Trump went out of his way to attack the Biden administration for his use of attackums and what he said were other things being hurled at our name into Russia itself.
He said that solving the Ukraine Russia conflict would be more difficult than solving the complicated mess in the Middle East, but he was determined to bring peace and that millions had been killed foolishly and for no human purpose.
Then, Tucker Carlson went urgently to Russia and sought and received his interview with Foreign Minister Lavrov, to tell the American people the actual Russian [00:09:00] reasoning for the Ukraine war and to assure the world that the Russians weren't bluffing in their new warfighting doctrines.
Many in the U. S. note that this insanity is the subject of a major fight, even in the security state itself, with the CIA believing that the Russians are not bluffing about nuclear use should these attacks continue, and the British and their toadies are outright embracing madness, including Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken of the Biden administration.
Russia responded to the initial attacks on November 21st with a new, devastating weapon for which the U. S. and no one else in the world has a defense. A mid range hypersonic missile known as Oreshnik, which flies at Mach 10 or more, and does it's destruction by speed and kinetic force in a precise fashion.
It performs as if a bunker buster bomb was sent as a bullet at speeds exceeding [00:10:00] anything you have ever seen before. And equals the destructive power of a mini nuclear bomb. Russia is now mass producing these, and Putin has said that it is so destructive and precise that Russia ultimately won't have to resort to its nuclear arsenal, the largest in the world, by the way, to defend itself.
Based, we believe, on Trump's intervention, there was a pause in the attackums and other use until this week, when they were used yet again. Russia responded with a massive conventional attack on the Ukraine power grid on Thursday, causing very significant damage. Again, in various interviews, Trump has continued to signal that he will bring peace while Biden's minions continue to act as the wild and desperate creatures that they are.
In the time interview for the Person of the Year, he hinted there were back channel discussions. He did so elsewhere also, without talking [00:11:00] explicitly about it. At the same time, the crazed British and the French have both said that regardless of what the U. S. does, they will continue to use their scalps and storm shadows as they deem necessary.
Now, that all sets the context for the fight next week around Tulsi Gabbard's nomination. The people who are attacking her are the people who would sacrifice the world to nuclear war to preserve their own power and position at a point of massive transformation which Trump is undertaking.
That includes the people in the Senate who crafted last week's NDAA bill to ensure continued funding of the Ukraine war against Trump's specific promise to end it. That includes the McConnell Caucus of Collins, Murkowski, Curtis, Cassidy, Todd Young, Tom Tillis, John Cornyn, John Thune, and more. That includes the Ukraine [00:12:00] Caucus in the House. It is also the people who supported the entire Russiagate fraud and prosecutions against Trump in both political parties.
We have the power now to force a change in their minds and their calculus for survival by demanding that all of Trump's nominees be confirmed for the future good of humanity. We have that power. You saw it with the Hegseth nomination, which was turned around. Basically, you have a few retards like Mike Rounds or, the idiot Todd Young, out there saying no, but it's been turned around, the momentum is there, similarly with Kash Patel.
That's because the people mobilized. Basically, we ought to be telling your Congress to confirm all the nominees and also to pull that idiot, the madman Joe Biden, out of the White House by subpoena or otherwise to [00:13:00] explain what the hell he thinks he is doing in Ukraine.
We can make the fight around Tulsi next week, the start of this full scale offensive, and nothing will assure the Russians better than the true change which is at hand and if there is true change at hand, then Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation as the Director of National Intelligence.
She's an active duty National Guard Lieutenant Colonel and a former Democratic Congresswoman and candidate for president who has opposed the Ukraine war since its inception, going all the way back to the 2014 coup by Obama and the British, going forward.
The most important new weapon in this fight, which you must take fully into account is that there is a new Republican Party, the party of the working man, the party of labor, the party of minorities, and most importantly, the party of younger [00:14:00] people looking for a future. Much like Lincoln's Republican Party was as it evolved.
Trump won a majority of boomers and Gen Xers. Captured 47 percent of Millennials who were the base of the Obama coalition and 47 percent of Gen Xers, across all racial lines. Striking out now on the issue of war and peace and building a prosperous economy means that the nation can once again be united as Trump has repeatedly promised.
He has already struck a new chord by bringing very talented former Democrats into his inner circle. It is the old and dying who oppose us at this point. They're weak. Let's not let them regroup and get a new lease on life. That's why the fight around Tulsi Gabbard and, as it evolves, R. F. K. Jr. are so very, [00:15:00] very important.
I'll be covering Wray's resignation and the other nominations fights in posts on Promethean PACs and Promethean Action over the weekend. On Monday, we'll publish a big piece on Tulsi and her so called critics. So I'll see you again on Monday. Thanks very much for listening. That's your Saturday Wrap.
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