The Saturday Wrap-Up - Trump Goes Toe to Toe with the British Financial Empire - February 22, 2025
Yesterday marked the fifth week of Donald J. Trump's presidency, and we delve into four major developments that defined the week.
We explore the reasons for Trump's landslide which the elites are constitutionally incapable of understanding. All of their models, polls, and profiles are based on a fundamentally wrong idea about human beings and their capacity for transformational change. That's what was manifest on Tuesday.
We explore the reasons for Trump's landslide which the elites are constitutionally incapable of understanding. All of their models, polls, and profiles are based on a fundamentally wrong idea about human beings and their capacity for transformational change. That's what was manifest on Tuesday. Trump embraced the so-called weird, the so called outlier, the so called rebel and outsider roles because that is who he is and only such people are capable of leading the transformation which this population, now fully awake, demands. Similar, if less coherent change is afoot in the world as the governments of both German and Japan have fallen.
With Bruce Director, Kesha Rogers and Michael Steger
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. This is Barbara Boyd. It's your glorious Saturday wrap. There's not much more to say on this Saturday than that Donald Trump won, and he won overwhelmingly, just as we said he must do. He won, not just the electoral vote in the seven battleground states, he won the popular vote with massive votes, even in losing, in California, New Jersey, New York, and Illinois.
That vote is still being counted, and raises significant questions about the 2020 election, which I'll get into in more depth on Monday. He ran up hugely significant votes in what were, until Tuesday, considered to be totally locked in Democratic Party constituencies, black men, Hispanics. He won their vote in many states. Young people, trade unionists from the production unions like the UAW and the [00:01:00] Teamsters. Women, who had been mobilized to threaten their husbands with no sex forever, unless they voted for Harris, didn't show up, and presumably continued to enjoy their marriages.
And what a ride it has been. We have moved from a rigged election, and the foul stench of the controlled riot on January 6th, 2021, to Joe Biden's installation and immediate imposition of the oligarchy's entire world economic forum destructive agenda on the United States. As he was directed, the senile puppet that he was and is.
A certifiable idiot for at least half the day has occupied the highest office in our country for four years. And the media and all of his expert advisors have covered for it. A coup d'etat unlike anything [00:02:00] we as a nation have ever experienced before. The presidency was effectively vacant. The nation run by a collective of so called experts who turned out to be incompetent clowns.
They went all out to jail and bankrupt Donald Trump and remove him from public life, justifying it by creating a repellent caricature of him as a ruthless new Hitler who had to be taken out, whatever the cost to the constitution. The same logic held for what was called a shock and awe use of the criminal justice system against all of his supporters, in which normal legal procedures were simply thrown out the window, and these people, all of them, the entire movement, was branded as a new form of American extremist, as terrorists.
Then they tried to kill him, not once, [00:03:00] but twice and possibly more. Judges, generals, congressmen, all of whom swore an oath to the constitution of the United States went along, thinking that once this was done, the toothpaste would somehow be back in the tube, or so so many of them thought. But it was not to be. Once you go down this path, you are locked in forever, as numerous fallen empires have shown throughout history.
But he stood and fought, and the population, which had been screwed by this present leadership for decades, shook themselves awake and fought with him. His mugshot was donned as the most cool garment on campuses, and in the hood, throughout the country when he stood with blood running down his face in Butler, Pennsylvania and admonished fight, fight, fight. Not knowing if those were his last words or not, his courage, [00:04:00] under fire, became the decider in many people, including Elon Musk.
His rallies became lovefests for the American spirit, what Lyndon LaRouche once called the American Reflex. That something which exists in the American population which rises, like a phoenix, from the most dire and catastrophic of circumstances, like the Revolutionary War, where outmanned and definitely outgunned, we defeated the greatest power in the world. Like the Civil War, where we almost perished as a nation and had to repair horrible wounds to the nation's soul, like the war mobilization coming out of the Great Depression.
He won because he understands that American spirit and refused to play by the rules of the rigged game. He won because he adopted the mission of making life better for the working class, his declared policy.
He also won because he has the finest sense of humor and satire, [00:05:00] the gift of all creative people. When Kamala, the real daughter of privilege, claimed that she had worked tossing fries at McDonald's. He went to work at McDonald's to demonstrate the fakery of her claimed affinity for the current entry level worker in our country.
He completed that episode yesterday, by formally submitting his resignation to the company because he had to take a job at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. That's his fine sense of humor. When the sitting president of the United States called him and his supporters garbage, he donned a worker's vest and conducted an entire press conference from a garbage truck.
He was a regular at iconic sporting events. He went to bodegas in Harlem and held a huge rally in the Bronx, a part of the country where no Republican has ever gone. Despite his well known support of Israel, he courted and won large segments of the Arab population in Michigan on [00:06:00] a plan for peace. While sparring with the national news media every single day, he completely outflanked them and created a total alternative Media Universe, where the population could go and have unvarnished dialogues about the issues of the day without being instructed as to the proper politically correct belief system.
He went on Joe Rogan and got his endorsement. He went on tons of other podcasts, particularly those populated by young people, taking the advice of his own son, Barron, as to choices. He went on Tucker Carlson. At his rallies, He combined country and western music, patriotic songs, with classic opera. He also split the elite, unlike 2020, when the entirety of Silicon Valley was against him, along with the entirety of Wall Street, and joined to fund a gigantic vote fixing operation. David Sachs and other Silicon Valley [00:07:00] movers and shakers backed him.
Friends of his from Wall Street passed, shed their fears, and came out in support. Former Democrats, all anti war, all up for defending and elevating the people, themselves gathered around him, all of them supporting the great promise of the Constitution's General Welfare Clause. J. D. Vance, his vice president, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., Vivek Ramaswamy, and most significantly, the scientific and engineering genius of our time, Elon Musk.
Their positions often don't fully cohere with his, but they understand the greater transformation which is taking place in the land. Barack Obama killed the Democratic Party of Roosevelt and JFK, as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says. That party is now the instrument of the corrupt elites in Hollywood and was on a mission which would have destroyed this country if completed. [00:08:00]
Trump's Republican Party, by contrast, starts with Roosevelt's dedication to the forgotten men and women of this country and swears that it will bring America into a new golden age of discovery and growth. It provides a purpose and a mission for our besieged youth. Colonize space. Open the age of reason. Open the age of optimism and hope.
Now, four days later, our elites are still in shock. As usual, Matt Taibbi captured their situation. He wrote as his headline, Giant Electoral Asteroid Strikes America's Intellectual Class, which fails to notice. They truly believe their own craven propaganda. If you want to see this in action, just watch Scott Jennings on CNN trying to [00:09:00] minister to the rest of his brainwashed co hosts who just keep frantically repeating their own invented lies about Trump, as if chanting them repeatedly will hold off that recognition of truth which is beginning to bubble up in them just off the corner of their eyes.
They have their profiles, their computer models, their focus groups, their polls, all of which may produce startlingly accurate profiles of present and fleeting popular tastes, but those feeling states are fading into the past, even as the pulse of them is taken. Subsumed by the overriding transformational change taking place now in this land.
That is the pace of the change now underway, the change which Trump understands, and they don't because they live in their own self imposed bubble. As Abraham Lincoln once said it succinctly, you [00:10:00] can't fool all the people all of the time. Their utter lack of creativity, their utter lack of fealty to the truth, has proved to be their undoing.
It's similar across the world in the so called G7. The German government has fallen, along with that of Japan, because of their abject neglect of their populations and their pursuit of imperial war politics. In France, The windbag, Prime Minister Macron, insanely instructed that Europe's best hope needs to be in becoming what he called omnivores rather than herbivores to meet the threat posed by Trump, the carnivore.
What better testament to the fundamental issue here? They, the oligarchy, think of men and women only as varieties of beasts to be herded. Trump thinks of them as fighters beside him, [00:11:00] fighting to change the world for the better and to build a new world. The writer, Sasha Stone, presented a great piece showing every variety of American dancing a victory dance on Wednesday. And we include that link here.
But she also included a statement from Trump. What she says changed her life. I think it captures the spirit of the day. It reads as follows. Here's what Trump said. If I give you one message to hold in your hearts today, it's this. Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation.
Relish the opportunity to be an outsider, because it's outsiders who change the world and make a real and lasting difference. The more that a broken system tells you that you're wrong, the more certain that you should be, that you should keep pushing ahead. You must keep pushing forward. [00:12:00] Our founders were like that.
That's what Benjamin Franklin was all about. They called him the new Prometheus because he challenged everything, using the intellectual tools for analysis and communication gifted to him by an entire European intellectual tradition, which stretched from Plato Through Augustine, through Cusa, through Leonardo, through Leibniz, based on the fundamental premise that men and women participate in God's creation.
That God has gifted that to them and they are not beasts. Suppressed and jailed in Europe, our forefathers brought that tradition here and enshrined it in the Declaration and Constitution. Nothing like these documents exists anywhere else in the world. Franklin gave us not just the Constitution, but electricity and under other wonderful discoveries and inventions. He was the embodiment of that American reflex, which Donald Trump now [00:13:00] evokes.
On Monday, I'll take up the further developments as Trump launches his transition. Obviously, the fossils and dinosaurs are not done yet and will seek to fight us at every turn. Obviously, there are floating trial balloons all over the place for key appointments in order to subvert Trump from keeping his promises.
But I wanted to spend today just memorializing and savoring this moment. For which those of us in Promethean Action and Promethean PAC have fought so hard, some of us, for over 50 years. If you can, also take a look at the interview Bruce Director conducted with Kesha Rogers and Mike Steger, which will be posted soon, on our website, Promethean Action, it underlines and elaborates some of the things I'm saying here.
And tonight, Will Wertz will be giving a class on what could be keystone ideas for Trump's foreign policy. How do we [00:14:00] get rid of the British imperial empire once and for all? Well, he'll propose you do that by uniting the great economic powers of the world, Russia, China, India, and the United States, in a new, stable, long term credit monetary system dedicated to development, like Roosevelt's idea for the original Bretton Woods.
I'll see you again on Monday. Thanks a lot for listening.
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