Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (4/6)
Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's "The Lost Art of the Capital Budget."
Three days before the most important election in our history, Trump is leading but the Democrats are pulling out all their illicit stops. They plan a close margin race and a victory in House races to create the margins to nullify Trump's election.
Three days before the most important election in our history, Trump is leading but the Democrats are pulling out all their illicit stops. They plan a close margin race and a victory in House races to create the margins to nullify Trump's election. We must go for a landslide and an overwhelming mandate for Trump's rescue and rebuild of our nation. We discuss the state of the race, Barack Obama's 10 year coup against Donald Trump on behalf of the British Empire, and Trump's mobilization of formerly reliable Democratic voters for a massive and wonderful change for the better.
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Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi everybody, it's Saturday, three days before November 5th, in which the immediate fate of our republic will be decided. I'm going to spend today and my weekly Monday brief in a final appeal to anyone listening here to vote and to bring 10 others with you to vote. For Donald Trump, you must also convince them to vote a straight Republican ticket, including the Senate and the House.
Fill out that ballot. Don't use your disgust at the rhinos. Sink your ability right now to save the Republic. I'm going to discuss the reasons why, with as much brevity and force as Lyndon LaRouche used to say that my 15 minutes allow.
Over the last week, it is said everywhere that the race [00:01:00] has tightened. Although our experience on the ground in the key battleground state of Michigan, and from what we hear from our contacts in Pennsylvania, contradicts that. There's huge momentum for Donald Trump and for MAGA. In order to win, Harris has to win. All of the so-called Blue Wall Battleground states in the formerly industrial Midwest of our country.
That is Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, lose one, and she's a goner. There are elections, shenanigans, of course, already underway in each of these states. Phony mail-in ballots, phony registrations. Attempts to stall a huge Republican early vote in Pennsylvania by simply shutting it down. The difference is that there is a dedicated team of [00:02:00] lawyers at this point attacking the fraud and limiting it.
These things have all been discovered and attacked, before the final vote on Tuesday. That's the upside of what we have organized here. Things are also happening in these states which defy all polling and pollsters because you can't diagram them, you can't pre discount for them. They are truly Surprises, and for the most part, good ones.
Kamala Harris attempted to give a closing, unifying speech to the country at the National Mall this week. Essentially, she's had three phases to this campaign. The first was this so called joy campaign, stolen from her failed campaign in 2020. And that landed with a complete thud. Then there was the imitation of Biden, going [00:03:00] after and attacking Trump as Hitler, and his supporters as fascists, and drumming on that every single day with amplification from the corrupt national news media.
Also added to that was, of course, the idea that all of these men were imminent dangers to all women. And as Mark Cuban said, Trump himself is only surrounded by weak women, creating a huge backlash within MAGA and all of the very strong women who support Donald Trump. Essentially, her closing speech reversed all of that yet again and said, Hey, you fascists are going to have a seat at my table because I'm attempting to unify the country.
Obviously, the discordance in these messages has fallen flat. Our senile president added to this disaster, basically, the one whose mental [00:04:00] difficulties have been covered up for over four years, went out and stepped all over Kamala Harris, right at the time she was speaking to the nation. He came out and said, Trump and his supporters are garbage, repeating the Hillary Clinton famous gaffe of 2016, calling all Trump supporters, deplorables.
The President of the United States called over half the population he supposedly represents, garbage. That became the headline rather than Kamala's forced attempt to project unity. Trump promptly donned a reflective vest and went to work on a garbage truck to underline the point in one of the greatest acts of political showmanship in U. S. history.
These are the things which can't be polled. It reflected the most fundamental truth of the election campaign. The imperial elites, led by a collective [00:05:00] headed by Barack Hussein Obama, hate the American people and American men of all stripes in particular. Unless you are a middle class professional, admittedly better off if you're a middle class professional woman with no children, dedicated to the agenda of this collective, you are living paycheck to paycheck with 10 percent inflation, down from a high previously under Biden Harris of 18 percent on all essentials it takes to live. Housing, food, drugs, etc. Jobs figures released yesterday show that Kamala and her team created all of 12, 000 jobs in October.
And the figures for previous months, held by the democratic propaganda machine as a bustling economy, have now been revised dramatically downward. The jobs created, of course, are all part time and all dependent on [00:06:00] government largesse for the job being there at all.
Also, during the last week, Trump said that the warmonger, Liz Cheney, should perhaps experience war itself and feel what it's like to have guns and missiles trained on you. The propagandists of the corporate news media immediately distorted that to say that Trump was calling for Liz Cheney's execution with appropriate shrill headlines.
All that did, however, was emphasize the nature of those opposing MAGA, that they are unhinged, corrupt warmongers. The term is chickenhawks actually, who have never experienced war and needlessly caused the deaths of millions in their post 911 imperial adventures. The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are just the latest examples of failed leadership engaged in utopian delusions, using our troops and expertise [00:07:00] to facilitate British Imperial aims, it's been that way ever since Franklin Roosevelt's death.
All of the generals lined up by the intelligence community to attack Trump have become millionaires upon retirement based on their services to the racket known as the defense industrial complex. Trump is promising an economic renaissance of the working and middle classes based on production rather than paper pushing and identity politics.
He is backed by Elon Musk, the most formidable recent scientific discoverer and explorer who argues that young people can find a purpose by rebuilding this nation and exploring space. The result has been support from traditional elements of the Democratic base, young people overwhelmingly, Black and Hispanic men and women, the production based trade unions, like the [00:08:00] Teamsters, UAW, Ironworkers in Michigan, He is also backed by a new generation of thinking politicians, backing his optimistic message for the nation, R.F.K. Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, and most importantly, J. D. Vance. All of them will return the United States to that nation, which leads by example in the world, not by going abroad seeking, as John Quincy Adams put it, monsters to destroy, the character of the imperial war lust favored by empires.
Now the plan of our enemy within, as Trump rightly calls it, is very simple. Rig the vote to make the election so close as to either throw it into the House, or allow for a narrow Trump victory and a Democratic sweep of the House in order to attempt to nullify Trump's election. Jamie Raskin, [00:09:00] others, are already openly planning to do this.
They have already said this is their plan if Trump is elected. If we succeed, on the other hand, in creating an overwhelming mandate for Trump and a Republican House, we defeat their plans. That mandate will also allow Trump some freedom to get all the things he has promised to do in his wonderful platform through as legislation.
Now, we know that many out there experienced the vacancy and bankruptcy of the traditional House Republicans. And there are many elements which Trump has yet to transform from the Chamber of Commerce Republican Party back to the party of Lincoln and the productive classes back to the party of the forgotten men and women.
But if the Democrats win the House, and if the victory is narrow I can assure you what the [00:10:00] result will be. Recognize the environment you are in. Congressional races in California, New York, New Jersey, and Michigan will determine the House. The Democrats have targeted all the districts in these states where Joe Biden won, but where a Republican represents the district.
So, essentially, that's your choice. Your choice on Tuesday is, indeed, a choice for the future you want for yourself and your family. Obviously, in terms of the House, liberal Republicans, live in liberal districts. You must hold your nose and vote for them, and we will change them, as Trump has changed much.
Look at the splits in Silicon Valley. Look at the splits in Wall Street. The dynamic is one of change, it's overwhelming. We can stop this descent into hell and emerge joyfully [00:11:00] victorious like a phoenix from the dark age imposed on us with increasing speed ever since Franklin Roosevelt's death.
I want to spend a minute introducing something here, which I'll take up even more on Monday, Lee Smith has written a new book called Disappearing the President. If you know him, he's the one who documented how the Russiagate, coup against Trump led by Obama was exposed. In it, he goes through how Barack Obama set up the present Democratic party machine and intends to keep it that way in order to solidify his policies, for generations to come.
He's the one who put in a senile Joe Biden so that he could run things from his mansion in Kalorama in Washington, the first president not to leave Washington after his term was up. He's the one [00:12:00] who actually is sponsoring Kamala Harris's rise. He's the one who has set up a network of censorship through Silicon Valley, a network of wars through his revamp of the intelligence and military, a huge British mess sponsored by him. The only thing lacking in Lee Smith's book is, of course, his ties to the British, and I'm going to take that up on Monday.
So, that's our choices. Bob Ingram's going to talk tonight in his class about the history of Trump's tariffs, and America's economic growth, and how they will work today as, exactly as Trump says they will. That is a crucial intervention. In order to understand, as a patriot taking up the responsibility which our constitution gives you from running the country, how American system economics have actually worked [00:13:00] in the past and will work now. We are at one of those turning points in history where the sole question is will this historical moment find a bold and thinking people, or a little people.
That's how the best historian I know about, Friedrich Schiller, characterized the French Revolution. A great moment in history with huge potential found a little people. Trump is calling on all of us to become big, to become bold in this potential moment of profound change for the better.
we are fully deployed in Promethean Action and Promethean PAC to make sure that a Trump victory happens. Promethean PAC is door knocking or otherwise organizing on the ground through Tuesday. Promethean Action is telling the public about the policies which can actually change the nation.[00:14:00]
That means we're not putting a whole lot of attention to our financial survival during this incredible next week. So if you can, please go to prometheanaction. com and make a substantial contribution or do the same for the political warriors on the ground, actively campaigning for Donald Trump through prometheanpac. com. Go out and vote and vote the whole ticket, including Republicans, most certainly, in the House. Fill out the whole ballot, even if you have to hold your nose.
Thanks a lot. See you on Monday.
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