Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today
President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over
In today's episode, we cover the U.S. regime's desperate nuclear gambit in Ukraine. Despite the delusional and desperate denials by Washington, Putin fired a new hypersonic nuclear capable weapon for which we presently have no defense on Thursday.
We cover the U.S. regime's desperate nuclear gambit in Ukraine in this update. Despite the delusional and desperate denials by Washington, Putin fired a new hypersonic nuclear capable weapon for which we presently have no defense on Thursday. He was responding to Biden and the Brits firing missiles into Russia itself. Biden or his puppet masters need to be called before Congress to explain themselves, the Congress needs to move for impeachment, sending the appropriate signal back to Russia that we are not insane, whatever the mental status of our elected officials.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi everybody. This is Barbara Boyd and this is your Saturday wrap in a huge week. Now, Donald Trump announced a slew appointments Friday night, last night to his cabinet and administration. Included were Scott Bessent as treasury secretary and Russ Vought as head of the office of management and budget.
Also yesterday, Trump met with Mark Rutte, the Dutch oligarchy's retainer, who now heads NATO, against the obvious backdrop of the dangerously escalating Ukraine war. We're going to focus on the war situation today, since that is, most obviously, on the front burner, and we'll have a discussion of the ongoing transformation of the United States, basically in Monday's brief concerning Trump's appointments and the various policy things which flow from that.
Now, there have been two major new [00:01:00] developments in the Ukraine war since Trump won the election. The first is that the collective running, the senile U. S. president, Joe Biden, decided to attempt to defy nature, God, and everything else, which dictates their imminent defeat in a war which they cannot win on the battlefield by somehow escalating the conflict and holding off to hand Trump a very big mess, possibly a nuclear mess, even before he takes office.
As we have previously reported, Russia is winning overwhelmingly on the battlefield. And Ukraine is out of means to stop Russian advances, out of men willing to fight, since the population now totally supports a peaceful settlement, and out of weaponry.
The BLOB, known as the Anglo American Defense Establishment, are relatively desperate ahead of Trump's inauguration [00:02:00] to keep their con on the American and European people going, to conceal the simple fact that they provoked a war which has killed millions when there was never any chance that they would achieve their objective of bleeding Russia to death, which is what they claim they wanted, and instituting a regime change there, allowing ready exploitation of both Ukraine's and Russia's hugely bountiful rare earth and other natural resources.
Trump's ascension to office and settling of the war has the potential to expose all of this, fatally for them, to reveal them to be the genocidal maniacs and incompetent fools that they are and to totally destroy their hold on power. They know this. So, they provided the Ukrainians with British and American missiles capable of striking targets deep inside Russia, [00:03:00] and for the first time, gave them permission to use them to strike deep inside Russia, and the Ukrainians, along with their trainers from the United States and Great Britain, promptly did so.
They are also giving them anti personnel mines in the vain hope that these internationally banned weapons will stop Russian advances across the battlefront. That gets us to the second major development since Trump's election. First, Vladimir Putin signed into effect a new Russian nuclear use policy, which allows for the use of nuclear weapons, if necessary, against nuclear powers like Britain and the United States, who use a non nuclear power like Ukraine to attack Russia itself.
That had been in the works for some time, and as a somewhat natural outgrowth of the Obama Biden [00:04:00] administrations preferred forever proxy war policies. Second, in responding to the attack on Russian territory, the Russians retaliated with a brand new medium range weapon. The Ereshnek hypersonic weapon, also known as Hazel Grove in English. I will use Hazel Grove because my Russian pronunciation is just not that good. According to the Ukrainians, the missile reaches speeds of Mach 11 in speeding toward its targets. It is nuclear capable and it was MIRVed. As Putin said in his speech announcing this to the Russian people and the world, NATO, The British and the United States have no defense against this missile because of its speed and maneuverability.
He said that Russia is now beginning to mass produce them and will use them again if its red lines concerning attacks on [00:05:00] Russia itself are crossed. The U. S. also does not have a hypersonic missile, despite the billions we spend on defense. So called. China has them. India just announced that they have them.
We don't because we run our military operations on the basis of psychological warfare and information warfare as opposed to advanced weaponry, science, and adequate defenses. Putin noted that the Russians would give civilians a 30 minute warning to evacuate prior to each use. And the Russians used the deconfliction channel for nuclear incidents, to warn the United States about this use. I don't think there could have been a clearer warning that Putin is not bluffing and yet our insane people in Washington continue to insist that that is the case.
Journalist Matt Taibbi points out that [00:06:00] the Russian populace is mobilized and demanding actions from Putin for the attacks launched by the U. S. and Britain on them through their sad Ukrainian proxy. He has read the fuor in all of the Russian press, having lived for a long time early in his career in Russia. He reminds us that the Russian people sacrificed 27 million people in helping us defeat Hitler in World War II, that that Sacrifice is an integral aspect of the Russian psyche and that they would not balk at similar sacrifice to save Russia.
Think about that in comparison to the sorry cultural state of our nation presently prior to Trump's inauguration. Our war hawks don't understand this. They perennially project their own belief systems on foreign actors and project even more fantastically from there. At the Pentagon yesterday, they even lied that the [00:07:00] Hazel Grove was not a hypersonic missile. The level of delusion being exhibited by the Biden collective reminds you of a bunch of barking chihuahuas confronting a bear and declaring that their ability to bite its feet will somehow win any ultimate fight.
Now, most rational people, reviewing what I just said, Particularly in light of the fact that Russia fired that missile on the anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, November 22nd. Kennedy being the last man before Trump, who actively sought peace with Russia, would be saying, What the hell? Where is the President? It seems like he's starting a nuclear war here. Don't we deserve to hear from him?
But you see, the President is absent, non com. And his Vice President, who could invoke the 25th Amendment and at least be [00:08:00] held responsible, is vacationing in Hawaii and apparently completely unreachable. The Congress? Well, we have a very big job to do with them, because many of them still support the war. They take fake polls saying that 62 percent of the American people still support this war, and that gives them a pass.
In reality, at least from what we saw on the ground in Michigan, California, Texas, and elsewhere, where we were in day to day touch with the population, and are so, the overwhelming desire of people to live their lives and not be incinerated in a war with no purpose, other than some centuries old lust of British oligarchs to conquer Russia, was one of the most significant factors in President Trump's victory.
Our situation calls for senators and congressmen to impeach Joe Biden for misuse of the Constitution's War Powers Act, [00:09:00] giving Putin a signal that this insane war policy coming from our country is done. Over with. He only has a couple of months to wait. The people sponsoring this will be banned forever from our public life. That's our goal.
It's our belief that the lack of comment by President Trump and his team on these developments means that there are back channel discussions going on to de escalate the war danger. Mark Ruddy the NATO head who visited Trump yesterday surely got an earful about these developments and was told that the Ukraine war is going to be ended by the United States once Trump gets into office, no matter what.
He is a British and Dutch oligarchical agent of the deepest and most evil sort. The coverage of the visit say that he was sent to because he proved himself most capable of any other European in quote unquote [00:10:00] handling Trump. I doubt that that's what happened yesterday. This guy, the head of NATO, Reddy, has advocated the moves which Biden took this last week, exerting maximum pressure on Biden and his administration to get in line from the standpoint of the oligarchy. Après moi le déluge seems to be their marching orders.
So, he hoped to basically get Trump's assent to letting them escalate this war in the hopes that the dark winter of defeat, which is now clearly on the horizon, doesn't come about. And every other warmonger claiming to represent the best of Western European civilization somehow maintains their place. That's not going to happen if we have our way. When they claim to be the heirs of Judeo Christian civilization, they [00:11:00] are, in reality, the heirs of the corrupt and vile Roman Empire.
This morning, there are floats of the idea of appointing Ukraine war opposer Rick Grinnell as a peace envoy for Ukraine. In typical Trump transition fashion, things are being floated in order to gauge reaction and potentials for success. That would be a very good development in avoiding war. A huge additional factor in this will be the confirmation fights around Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense, the dismantling of the Pentagon's insane war apparatus and building genuine defenses for our country, and Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence, particularly the fight around Gabbard.
Already, the people who brought you Russiagate, the people who brought you all of the crap about Donald Trump's ability to try and be a peace warrior for the world, are attacking [00:12:00] Gabbard as a Russian agent. It's all BS. It's all nonsense. But we've got to win this fight. That nomination now becomes the reconnaissance by fire of the U. S. Senate to determine who is sane and who are the genocidal maniacs controlled by the military industrial complex and their donors.
There's no alternative to us acting as citizens at this point in time. Putting maximum pressure on your congressman and senator to demand that Biden, or whoever is running this show here, show themselves and attempt to explain their crazed actions to the Congress and the people.
To demand that your congressman and senators support impeachment proceedings against Biden and Harris for violating the Constitution. We will be exposing their donors, who hold so much sway over these stupefied congressmen and senators, and we'll be going after those donors [00:13:00] directly in exposés.
But do your diligence. Don't let the holidays get in the way. That becomes a strategic factor here, just as it did on many other Thanksgivings in our nation's history. Do your diligence. Set up visits to district offices of congressmen and senators during this holiday period with the demands which we just set forth. We have a petition on the Promethean PAC website saying confirm Trump's nominations, all of them.
That's a key aspect of showing Putin that Americans don't want a nuclear war, that we are sane, that we are reclaiming the mantle of the temple of liberty and justice for the world, not the mantle bestowed upon us by the British controllers. Take the petition about the confirmation fights on the Promethean PAC website and circulate it to maximum effect.
Ben Dennison has a class [00:14:00] tonight. His second part series on physical economy, that part of the cabinet which Trump is already filling out ahead of his appointment as Treasury Secretary. So tune in and grab the education which Ben can give you. It'll make your soul happy and will sustain you in this fight. I'll be back with you on Monday. Thanks very much for listening.
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