With the nominations announced so far, Donald Trump has made clear that he is taking a blowtorch to the policies and institutions which have shackled the American presidency and allowed the British oligarchy to bring us to the brink of disaster.
Sunday's New York Times says Americans will now attack the Kursk region of Russia with American manned and targeted long range missiles. This is a desperate ploy to limit Donald Trump's peace options by the present corrupt regime.
In a stunning rebirth of American manufacturing and industry, Donald Trump has tapped the long-dormant potential in Michigan's blue-collar communities, driven by his unwavering commitment to a robust economy and peace.
On Sunday, September 29th, thousands of people gathered in Washington DC (with reports of hundreds of thousands online) to rally against the censorship now being imposed by the Biden Administration along with other authoritarian governments world-wide.
Promethean PAC organizers were at the "Rally to Rescue the Republic" along with prominent media and other personalities devoted to the censorship fight. We distributed a handout highlighting the 2024 Republican Party platform which makes defense of free speech and the First Amendment a centerpiece of the battle to save the United States.
The list of speakers included the inimitable Russell Brand, this time in dialogue with the psychologist Jordan Peterson. Brand, a British citizen, and Peterson, Canadian, were ardent in their discussion that if the battle for free speech is lost in the United States, it will be lost for mankind.
Dr. Peterson knows this all too well. There exists in Canada now a Bill C 63, "The Online Harms Act". Ostensibly, the Bill is to protect citizens from online "hate-crimes". However, Peterson faces possible arrest and home imprisonment for a year, with ankle bracelet, and all communication censored because he does not accept the popular delusions such as man made climate change or gender modification and appropriate pronouns. He was forced to resign as a fully tenured Professor at the University of Toronto because he refused to teach according to the requirements of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). As he expressed, "Free speech that demands no defense does not need to be protected. What must be protected is that which is contentious and considered disruptive".
On the other hand, Russell Brand has arrived at this stage in his life, having had all the 'freedoms of expression' that Hollywood allowed: decadence, hedonism, and all the deadly sins, as long as he worshiped at the altar of the God Pleasure. Again, as this author reported on this site September 15th, Russell Brand exhibited the passion and fire of a new Christian convert whose mission now, in the midst of the political upheaval, is to "share the good news" of his religious discoveries. In this spirit, he reached out to those who would never consider voting for Trump ... if you care about democracy, ending wars, about the health of your children, then vote Trump in the White House. He warned that the totalitarian scheme is ultimate control over us- like rats, we are stimulated into compliance. He recalled, having just recently watched the Hollywood star studded Democratic National Convention, how he too would host events with a pantheon of stars. These TV show celebrities would endorse the wars that their children did not have to serve in; would endorse the food their children did not eat. As Russell then fell to his knees to pray, so did Jordan. His voice was suddenly reverent and moving as he called for the Holy Light to shine on America and ultimately invited all to recite the Lord's Prayer with him. There was a Spirit that moved all the participants. It was as if time had stopped and all participants were joined as a One.
Lyndon LaRouche anticipated times like these. As he warned for many decades, we are facing a series of existential crises, any of which could doom mankind to a dark age and conceivably an extinction event. Yet, events such as this Rally to Rescue the Republic brought together many individuals of all political and religious bents who know that by themselves this crisis can not be solved. The way LaRouche put it (from "The Science of the Human Mind") is:
"Our immediate practical concern, in committing ourselves to developing the Good within us, is to contribute to making society Good. The individual who contributes to making society Good is worth a thousand times the individual who wanders through life scattering only individual good deeds. For, a bad society will crush the Good contributed by its individual members, and will foster the pleasures of Sodom and Gomorrah. Who makes society Good thus preserves the Good contributed by thousands and millions of individuals."
In the tradition of Prometheus and Lyndon LaRouche, we seek to deploy science, art and history to unseat our present failing Olympians while lifting our People up to their greatest creative potential.