As Trump’s Tariffs Triumph, Gaslighters Gonna Gaslight…
Despite opposition from self-proclaimed experts who continue to gaslight the American public about the benefits of tariffs and physical economic growth, Trump's policies are working.
In May and June, “amid tight security,” the Washington establishment’s bipartisan Trump haters met to war game how they would attack Trump should he again assume the presidency. In most respects, this was a reprise of the Transition Integrity Project, the exercise in 2020 which mapped the rigging of the 2020 election and planned riots and a military coup if Donald Trump had managed to overcome the election rigging. It was led by the same people, Rosa Brooks, the former assistant to George Soros, Pentagon official, and current Georgetown Law Democratic Party operative, and Nils Gilman, the Chief Operating officer of the Berggruen Institute, a California based globalist institute mapping ways to sustain the present regime into the future.
Since TIP and its funders were exposed and attacked for what they did in 2020, they changed brands for this new iteration of their sedition. These tabletop war games were sponsored by the Democracy Futures Project spearheaded by the Brennan Center of Justice. The Brennan Center is presently engaged in litigation against voter ID, mail in ballot restrictions, efforts to validate voter rolls and registrations, and other measures designed to prevent the election rigging of 2020. The Democracy Futures Project aims to create a united front of globalist foundations funding projects to subvert any Trump presidency and the nationalist MAGA movement generally. Its direct funding comes from the Packard Foundation, PACE, and Pierre Omidyar. There is a plethora of similar projects featuring “democracy” vs. “authoritarianism” as the brand for funding what is, in reality, subversion of the American Republic and its presidency. We will be profiling them in future posts.
The participants in these war games: Washington’s elite divided into Red (Trump) and Blue teams and consisting of former Senators and members of Congress from both parties, senior state officials, business leaders, retired flag military officers, trade union leaders, former Trump Administration and other Administration officials, all of them regime supplicants who hate Donald Trump. The topics of the war games? Riots occur throughout the country as the result of Trump winning the election, Trump invokes the Insurrection Act, how do we subvert this? Similarly, Trump seeks to detain and deport millions of illegal immigrants, can we gum up the works? As the Washington Post notes in its coverage: “In two of our five games, Red overwhelmed Blue with an “everything, everywhere” battle plan on many fronts at once.
“One Red administration featured the firing of inspectors general, senior federal workers, special counsel Jack Smith and several generals. The IRS formed a task force to revoke the tax-exempt status of universities and think tanks that “spread misinformation” about the 2020 election. The Education Department mandated that states withhold federal funding from schools that taught “critical race theory.” The Labor Department prepared rules to ban diversity, equity and inclusion policies in public companies. The FBI and Justice Department opened criminal investigations of Joe Biden, his family and members of the former House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. All “Jan. 6 patriots” secured pardons. The Justice Department held that the Impoundment Control Act was unconstitutional, and the president refused to spend appropriated funds for programs he disliked.”
Of course, all these actions come under the title: restoring the ability of a duly elected American president named Donald Trump to function under the Constitution without the British instigated lawfare and other subversion which crippled his first administration. He cannot implement his program for reindustrializing the United States, raising the living standards of the working class, exploring the frontiers of science and technology to find those discoveries and inventions which can power the economy of the future, and end the forever wars if the outright subversion against him is not circumscribed and ended.
These war games concluded that their mobilization using lawful means against Trump’s alleged anticipated actions would not necessarily work this time around. Of course, their model for what Trump would do was based almost entirely on the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 which Trump has repudiated publicly. They did not use the Republican Party 2024 platform which Trump wrote, although some planks in that platform overlap with Project 2025, like ending open borders and deporting those here illegally, stopping the flooding of the country with poisonous drugs, ending the weaponization of the government against citizens, and ending government support for satanic cultural edicts, like decriminalization of criminal offenses and radical gender and racial ideologies. But those remedial measures are overshadowed in Trump’s actual agenda with the nation’s economic revival. He has continually said that his “retribution” for what has happened will be economic success for all.
The conclusion they reached, that under lawful scenarios, “democracy” (i.e. the consensus of the regime’s elite about the agenda going forward) would “end with a whimper.”
The conclusion they reached, that under lawful scenarios, “democracy” (i.e. the consensus of the regime’s elite about the agenda going forward) would “end with a whimper” echoes the call for Trump’s assassination published by Robert Kagan in the Washington Post of last December. Kagan is considered the dean of Washington’s foreign policy establishment while also functioning as Victoria Nuland’s husband. Nuland is the just retired State Department official who will be judged by history, with Joe Biden, as the case officer for implementing the mass murder of the Ukrainian population in a crazed attempt to cripple Russia.
They are publicly disclosing this May-June series of exercises now, post failed assassination attempt, because they say they are mobilizing a lawful deep resistance should Trump be elected to subvert him a second time, just as they acted in his first term. One of the major participants in this project is David J. Rothkopf, longtime editor of Samuel Huntington’s Foreign Affairs magazine, managing director of Kissinger Associates, and author of the book: American Resistance: The Inside Story of How the Deep State Saved the Nation. It hails the courage of the inside agents in the first Trump Administration who worked to sabotage it at every turn.
On the Wednesday edition of Deep State Radio, @brooks_rosa, @petestrzok, @KoriSchake, and @EdwardGLuce join @djrothkopf to discuss recent simulations that gamed out the havoc an authoritarian presidency would create for our democracy.
— Deep State Radio (@deepstateradio) August 1, 2024
To underline the significance of this group of republic killing saboteurs, it is useful to review some facts about the former Transition Integrity Project. Presented as “non-partisan,” its main funding came from Protect Democracy Project and United to Protect Democracy, both launched in January 2017 by former Obama Administration lawyers, including former Deputy White House Counsel Ian Bassin, with the explicit purpose of undermining the Trump Administration.
Rosa Brooks is a former Obama Pentagon official who served as an aide to Michèle Flournoy, the chicken-hawk Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from February 2009 to February 2012. Flournoy, who also headed Barack Obama’s Defense Department transition, was Obama’s pick for Secretary of Defense in a Harris/Biden administration, but lost out to Lloyd Austin, the man whose name Biden keeps forgetting. Brooks has served as a fellow at Anne Marie Slaughter’s New America Foundation (Slaughter was Director of Policy Planning at State under Hillary Clinton) and a fellow at the joint project of New America and Arizona State University on “the future of war.” Brooks knows much about weaponized psywar media narratives as the New America/ASU project spends substantive efforts studying precisely this topic. Prior to her ascent to the Pentagon, Brooks served as counsel to the President of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
On January 30, 2017, Rosa Brooks authored an article in Foreign Policy magazine titled, conveniently, “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020.” She favored impeachment as an immediate tool, making the same unconstitutional claim echoed by her Democratic Party colleagues, that Congress could impeach “for any reason whatsoever.” She also cited invoking the 25th Amendment, a tactic which came into being when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein tried to implement it following the firing of James Comey. Finally, Brooks cited a military coup.
On September 7, 2017, an Australia-based, worldwide university consortium publication, The Conversation, picked up the coup idea and filled it out in an article] called “Thinking the Unthinkable: Could There Be a Military Coup in the US?” authored by Luke Foster Middup, an academic specializing in “civilian-military relationships” at the British spy training nest, the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland. Nonetheless, the idea was in the background as impeachment was pursued through the bogus Robert Mueller inquisition and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment show trial in the House.
There were, of course, atrocious leaks and damaging media stories each and every time President Trump tried to implement his campaign promise to end the endless wars by pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Germany. And, because of the enormous power of the Pentagon and the even more powerful private defense contractors, known colloquially as the Beltway Bandits, President Trump was only partially successful in implementing his promise to bring the troops home and end deadly, dangerous, and self-defeating American campaigns abroad.
According to Bob Woodward’s book, Rage, former Defense Secretary James Mattis was telling former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats already in May 2019, that there would come a time when “some of us” would have to physically remove Trump from office.
In June 2020, the nationwide riots hit full force in Washington, D.C., becoming so violent at points that the Secret Service evacuated the President to a secure bunker in the White House.
When Joint Chiefs Chair General Mark Milley joined Trump in a walk to St. John’s Church, to honor that national landmark set on fire the previous night by arsonists, the press, and the insurrection corps within the ranks of retired generals went wild. Trump’s proposed use of the military to quell the riots was met with equal disdain and public condemnations, by Generals Mattis, Colin Powell, John Allen, David Petraeus, and John Kelly. Defense Secretary Mark Esper, a Beltway Bandit most recently located at Raytheon, denounced the proposal to use active-duty troops. Milley apologized publicly for appearing with the President at St. John’s Church. Mattis told The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, a key player in the Pentagon’s disinformation runup to the Iraq War, that President Trump was “a threat to the Constitution.”
At the very same time, in late June 2020, TIP conducted a tabletop exercise using establishment Democrats and Never-Trump Republicans to map out the realities of a potential coup d'état. This exercise received a calculated PR rollout and has been widely publicized, to establish it as normative in the public mind, the same process now occurring.
In the exercise, the governing assumption was that the President is an unscrupulous, authoritarian would-be dictator seeking to consolidate his power with a base composed of “white power” and “extremist” networks, who would need to be neutralized and eliminated post-election. This is the same assumption governing the recent exercise. The Biden forces are portrayed as pluralist defenders of democracy whose adherence to “norms” would result in the loss of the United States to Trump’s fascism, unless they radically change their behavior.
In the prior summer 2020 TIP scenario, the November 2020 election outcome would not be decided on election day because of widespread mail-in voting. Secondly, whether Trump or Biden won, there would be widespread street violence. The scenario in which Trump won had the Democrats refusing to concede, seeking to fix the electoral college or abolish it, and, if that failed, seeking concessions from Trump in order to end the rebellion, including packing the Supreme Court, granting statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., and allowing specified states to secede from the Union.
There were two major uncertainties in the scenario according to TIP: how the military would respond, and how much control the Democrats had over the street rioters. According to the official papers of the exercise, the June military response in Washington, D.C., in effect a generals’ revolt, was “reassuring.” With respect to the rioters, it is unclear how totally they could be controlled even if “mobilized.” The recent demonstrations against Israel are a probable experimental target for this part of their planning now. TIP recommended that the Democrats should work earnestly to establish even more direct connections with Jacobin rioters to assure their performance. In most color revolution planning, the street forces merely serve as cover for trained military provocateurs who kill people and steer the action. Was this the use made of the J6 protesters in the controlled Capitol riot of January 2021?
On August 11, 2020, in the wake of the July propaganda campaign about TIP’s exercise, Defense One, a magazine controlled by Democratic Party funder and New America associate David Bradley, published an article by retired colonels John Nagl and Paul Yingling blatantly calling for a military coup. Bradley also formerly owned The Atlantic, but sold his majority share to the Emerson Collective, an entity owned by Laureen Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs and a major force in Kamala Harris’ political career.
There was an immediate reflexive backlash to the call for the coup and Defense One followed up, on August 18, with a call to make this a matter of reasoned debate within the military, rather than a reflexive rejection. On September 4, 2020, The Atlantic further stoked the flames in this seditious campaign by running the completely fake claim, under Jeffrey Goldberg’s byline, that Donald Trump routinely disparages the troops as “suckers” and “losers.”
The reaction to all of this must be first and foremost an overwhelming electoral victory for Donald Trump, demoralizing the seditionists and their base in the population. At the same time, the networks and people participating in these events must be fully identified and put under surveillance by journalists and investigators working on election integrity, shining very bright sunlight on their activities.
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