Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (4/6)
Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's "The Lost Art of the Capital Budget."
Lyndon LaRouche taught that the oligarchy began to understand during the 1960s-1980s that the Soviet Empire would collapse, ending the immediate threat of nuclear war. For the oligarchy, this meant that they no longer had to put up with the existence of the sovereign nation-state as a war measure. They had only tolerated sovereign scientific-industrial economies for the sake of warfighting—but now it was time to put an to end to them.
Globalism, “free trade,” mass illegal immigration, and the Green Agenda were some of the weapons they have used to murder the Nation State. And they almost succeeded. Today, only Italy remains as a sovereign state in Western Europe.
Barack Obama’s three terms might have extinguished US sovereignty, if Donald Trump had not fought on after Jan 6, 2021, resolved to “Fight, fight, fight!” and “Never, ever give in!”
Like Pope John Paul II, LaRouche knew that the collapse of the Soviet Empire was only the first shoe to drop. Now, with Trump’s ascension and the collapse of every other Western European government and the government of Canada, the second shoe has dropped. The oligarchy has lost this round. We are at the end of the “End of History.”
We are at the beginning of the revolutionary rebirth of the sovereign nation-state Republic. This is what the Founders meant when they said,
“to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Since the Renaissance, the nation-state has brought more progress than ever before in human history. Now we are re-launching that explosive drive to the stars.
This is how LaRouche described it in 1997:
Analysis Situs: Since the middle of the 1960s, an accelerating, fundamental, downward trend in economic policy, has dominated the economies of the U.S.A., western Europe, and international relations generally. Analysis Situs: In the setting of the new "balance of power agreements" emerging in the aftermath of the 1962 "Cuba Missiles Crisis," and of the November 1963 assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, leading oligarchical family circles, in the United States and western Europe, assumed that there was no longer a danger of general nuclear warfare among the principal powers, but only diplomatically managed, "limited wars," including "international terrorism." Thus, leading circles among these wealthy oligarchical families, assumed, that, for the medium and long term, there was no foreseeable strategic need to continue the institution of the modern sovereign nation-state, or the form of agro-industrial policies associated with that form of nation-state.
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