Towards a New Sovereign Relationship of Principles between Mexico and the U.S. For a New Bretton Woods Monetary System

Towards a New Sovereign Relationship of Principles between Mexico and the U.S. For a New Bretton Woods Monetary System
Sheinbaum during her victory speech on June 2, 2024. She will be inaugurated on October 1, 2024. Photo: EneasMx / wikipedia / CC BY 4.0

by Leonardo Espitia Jordán of the Veterans for the Republic of Mexico.  

Faced with disintegration of its global speculative system, the Anglo-Dutch imperial elite, in a desperate move, intends to tie the hands of a Donald Trump administration from day one, by setting vital strategic points of the world in flames before he is inaugurated.

One of these points is the strategic relationship between Mexico and the United States. There, corrupt elements in U.S. government agencies, in alliance with Mexico’s powerful political-corporate oligarchic nest under British leadership, are determined to destroy working relations between the two countries.

The ultimate goal is to prevent the possibility of a new principled sovereign alliance between Mexico and the United States under the presidencies of Claudia Sheinbaum and Donald Trump, aimed at programmatically confronting the devastating global financial disintegration.

This divisive operation is waging a cognitive war to present the image of a Mexico plunged into chaos. In this context, it is trying to pit Mexico’s President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum against former President Donald Trump and vice versa. (Sheinbaum will be inaugurated Oct 1.) At the same time, Claudia Sheinbaum's team is being pressured to send out a signal of sympathy for Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris, even though Kamala is a mouthpiece of the establishment that threatens to come for Mexico’s outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

Simultaneously, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar is escalating his attacks on the Judicial Power Reform promoted by outgoing President AMLO, and recently approved by Congress, the Senate, and an overwhelming majority of State Legislatures. With this reform to the Judiciary, the justice system imposed by NAFTA in the service of globalization and globalists disappears in Mexico. The justice system of the republican Nation State, whose supreme law is the General Welfare, is being restored. Now, magistrates and judges all the way to the Supreme Court, once their competence has been certified by a committee, will be elected by popular vote, and not by an elite at the service of the Global Financial System.

In Mexico, the globalist justice system that orchestrated the legal coup against Dilma Rousseff in Brazil no longer exists. This was the justice system that imposed legal impediments to overturn Cristina Kirchner in Argentina—the same globalist justice system that has relentlessly persecuted Donald Trump in the United States.

Through journalists in their service, corrupt elements in US government agencies are threatening President AMLO with jail for false allegations of drug trafficking. In this dirty campaign, the Mexican journalist Anabel Hernández and the American journalist Tim Golden stand out. Both have been singled out by President AMLO for their ties to the DEA. Neither presented evidence of any ties between President AMLO and drug trafficking. Anabel Hernández has escalated the campaign by claiming that AMLO will end up in jail. For his part, the well-known journalist Ricardo Alemán claims that if Kamala Harris becomes President of the United States, they will come for AMLO. Although it is unlikely that this threat will be successful, what is true and cannot be minimized is that this is intended to target President AMLO.

Here it is appropriate to quote a passage from the book “My Times” by the late former President José López Portillo, who worked with Lyndon LaRouche for a new, just international financial system. He wrote “[of] the leaders of my time who dared to challenge the System, some were assassinated, [and] s**t rained down on me.”

AMLO challenged the oil sector of the Global Financial System and made Mexicans think big again with his infrastructure projects—now in revenge they raise this threatening lie.

At the end of his term and reinvigorated by the overwhelming triumph of Claudia Sheinbaum, President AMLO is determined to dismantle the autonomous bodies that were imposed on Mexico with NAFTA in the Bush-Thatcher-Salinas era. These include the Bank of Mexico, the Federal Electoral Institute, and the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection. Following the parliamentarian-globalist model, these autonomous bodies were imposed on Mexico against its sovereignty, to impinge on the sovereign republican power of the people of Mexico, reducing them to the status of subjects, in order to protect and privilege the speculative activities of the global financial system.

The financial and judicial reforms, the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico, as well as the entire universe of autonomous organizations that emerged with NAFTA, were created to protect, feed and privilege the financial speculation that is at the center of the treaty.  

More than 95% of the total operations carried out by the banking system that dominates the Mexican economy are speculative. For this reason, NAFTA has not brought real economic growth as was promised.

On the altar of the financial speculation of NAFTA, the large and strategic companies of the State were offered as sacrifices. The Mexican oil giant Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) were partly dismantled and privatized or piratized, weakening the State's stewardship over these companies. Meanwhile, millions of Mexican workers were consumed in the slave labor of the maquiladoras on the border.

In 2016, in Europe and the American continent, a revolt against the system broke out, that propelled Donald Trump’s Presidency in the United States, and then, in 2018, AMLO’s Presidency of Mexico. An overhaul of NAFTA was scheduled for the same time. When the negotiation resumed while AMLO was still President-elect, he put on the table his government’s determination to recover Mexico’s sovereignty over its oil. His proposal was supported by President Donald Trump, enraging the masters of the global speculative system.

Thanks to the recovery of the oil, President AMLO was able to rebuild the infrastructure of the oil company PEMEX itself, as well as that of CFE. He was also able to invest major resources in port, rail, industrial and petrochemical infrastructure in the strategic Southeast of the country.

The possibilities released by reclaiming the oil have a limit, and that limit has to do with the mother of all autonomies imposed on Mexico: the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico, in charge of protecting the speculative activity of the global financial system, which like a black hole continues to devour suns in the center of the USMCA galaxy (NAFTA's new name).  

The challenge of abolishing the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico can only be addressed from the perspective of the creation of a new international monetary and financial system.  

Donald Trump and the New Bretton Woods 

Former President Donald Trump is at this point of the presidential race on the threshold of the Presidency, and exhibits a solid personality forged in a face-to-face battle with the Anglo-Dutch imperial elite: the true masters of the Deep State. At the same time, he manifests a lively understanding of the American System of economics and is supported by a vigorous movement recently reinforced by the incorporation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard.

The programmatic platform that champions his movement will necessarily lead him to rethink the current bankrupt global financial system.  

The U.S. Presidency, with the right leadership, has the power to convene the sovereign nations of the world to a new Bretton Woods-inspired monetary and financial conference to formulate and create the new financial system that will enable peace and prosperity in the world.

It is proven that Donald Trump's personality reacts to challenges that are inscribed in the history of the sovereign relationship between Mexico and the United States, as could be seen in the decisive support he gave to President AMLO when he announced his decision to recover Mexico’s oil for its sovereignty.

At Bretton Woods, Mexico was Franklin Roosevelt's important ally in the creation of the New International Monetary and Financial System.

The incoming President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, and the future President of the United States, Donald Trump, are facing the great historic opportunity to build a new sovereign alliance of principles between Mexico and the United States, aimed at a New Bretton Woods. The American continent must be united in the meeting of the great powers: the United States, China, Russia and India. Only such an alliance has the power to bring the Anglo-Dutch Empire to its knees—and only in this way will it be possible to create the New International Financial System.

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