Update on Assassination Investigation: Cowardice Kills

Update on Assassination Investigation: Cowardice Kills
Call House Speaker Johnson, and your own Representative or Senator. Tell them, we must have a fully funded Congressionally mandated Commission led by the best investigators the Republican Party has.

It is reported that the Republican House is putting together a bipartisan task force to probe the aborted assassination of Donald J. Trump. The reports indicate that the task force will only investigate what went wrong in Butler, PA, and the specifics of that assassination attempt. It is also reported that Democrats, such as Bernie Thompson, who led the J6 farce and is one of the sponsors of legislation to strip Donald Trump of Secret Service protection as “a convicted felon,” are being considered as Democratic appointees to this “task force.”  This is like the appointment of CIA Director Allen Dulles to the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of JFK.

Democrats Eyeing J6 Chairman To Probe Assassination Attempt
Punchbowl not only omitted Thompson’s efforts to remove Trump’s security, but also said nothing of his misconduct on the J6 Committee.

There are two huge problems with this. The first is scope. It is acceptable to start with the event in Butler and to do so urgently and publicly. But that will not eliminate the assassination threat to Donald Trump. Only an investigation which targets every single high-level official, government or private, whether here, in Ukraine, or in Britain, or in Brussels who has called publicly or privately for Trump’s assassination or collaborated to create the false and pervasive narrative that Trump is a new Hitler who must be taken out, will do that.

The second problem is personnel and structure. No politician who has called for Trump to be stripped of security, obviously, can serve on this investigation. This investigation must be bicameral, drawing on the best investigators in both the House and the Senate from the Republican side together with prosecutors who know how to try a case. A Congressionally chartered commission could also draw on the best investigators from the private sector. We have noted that Kash Patel must be included since he has the overview of the conspiracy against Donald Trump dating back to at least 2015 and, with Devin Nunes, exposed the fraud of Russiagate while serving on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Based on his actions in the last few days, Senator Ron Johnson and his staff must also be a part of this investigation and that the budget for this must be adequate to the task.

This is about preventing the assassination of Donald Trump now and intersecting an ongoing elite coup to select and control the next President of the United States, taking that option away from the voters. Joe Biden was threatened into standing down. Among the threats was the use of the 25th Amendment. The Justice Department suddenly discovered transcripts of Biden’s conversations with his biographer about classified documents, transcripts which they previously said did not exist. What else did they threaten Biden with?

Succession by Defenestration: How Biden’s Withdrawal May Trigger a 25th Amendment Fight
Below is my column in the Hill on the withdrawal of President Joe Biden from the 2024 election. After weeks of Democrats and the media raising the alarm of his mental capacity, Biden finally gave u…

Time is ticking away. You can bet that evidence as to what happened is being destroyed while an alternative narrative, that the Butler attempted assassination was solely inexplicable Secret Service incompetence and corruption, is put in place. Do you remember the scene from Oliver Stone’s movie, JFK, with Mr. X. He reported that the Secret Service and all the assets normally used in presidential protection were given a stand down order. He talked about how the telephone system was taken out to facilitate the coverup. Was the CrowdStrike computer outage similar? You can watch that scene just below. Here are key aspects of the script. Mr. X notes that the most important question no one asks is, why? Donald Trump’s Republican Party platform, now adopted, challenges the entire security state regime in operation since World War II and puts the citizenry in charge of the Republic again. He is that unique historical individual capable of achieving that. Understand “why” and you can map the elements of the conspiracy.

Watch a clip from Oliver Stone’s movie, JFK, with Mr. X, about how the telephone system was taken out to facilitate the coverup.

Again, call Speaker Johnson, 202-225-2777, and your own Representative or Senator, 202-225-3121. Tell them, we must have a full funded Congressionally mandated Commission led by the best investigators the Republican Party has, including Kash Patel, Senator Johnson’s staff, and others.

The scope must work backwards from Butler into everyone at the highest levels of government both here and abroad, and their donors and private backers, who have called for Donald Trump to be eliminated and portrayed him, falsely, as the new Hitler. While such Democrats who can be honest are welcome, the current sponsors of the bill to strip Donald Trump of security are disqualified from serving.

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