You're Invited: A New Westphalia Peace Backed By Fixed Exchange Rates

You're Invited: A New Westphalia Peace Backed By Fixed Exchange Rates
President Trump continues to seek peaceful negotiated solutions that benefit all. Could he develop a "Four Powers" agreement, and finally move us away from globalization between the world's biggest nations?

On Wednesday, President Trump discussed "Ukraine, the Middle East, Energy, Artificial Intelligence, the power of the Dollar, and various other subjects" in a telephone call with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Significantly President Trump said:

"We both reflected on the Great History of our Nations, and the fact that we fought so successfully together in World War II, remembering, that Russia lost tens of millions of people, and we, likewise, lost so many! We each talked about the strengths of our respective Nations, and the great benefit that we will someday have in working together."

President Trump reported that the two Presidents agreed to start negotiations immediately to end the war in Ukraine, but the questions facing humanity are far broader than ending the Ukraine war alone.

A New Treaty of Westphalia

This is why it is crucial to raise once again Lyndon LaRouche’s proposal for a new Treaty of Westphalia, a "Four Power agreement" between the USA, Russia, China and India to create a New Bretton Woods, fixed exchange rate system.

In August 2018, I wrote a letter which was sent to Presidents Trump, Putin, Xi and Prime Minister Modi making such a proposal. Now several years later with all four leaders in power, this proposal has regained its urgency.

There Is Historical Precedent

The proposal, which appears in Chapter 12 of my book Beware the British East India Company! Towards an Alliance between the USA, Russia, China and India, spells out the principles of what must be done to end geopolitical forever wars and establish world peace and prosperity.

Those principles include respect for

  • national sovereignty as opposed to globalization,
  • national banking as opposed to central banking,
  • fair trade based on protectionism as opposed to so-called free trade,
  • a commitment to high-energy flux density energy such as fission and fusion power with a rejection of Malthusian green climate change policies.

Join us on Saturday February 15th over Zoom. 7pm Eastern, 4pm Pacific

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