You're Invited: The Murder of William McKinley and the British Creation of the Federal Reserve — Why It Matters Immensely Still Today

President Donald Trump has repeatedly stressed his profound admiration for McKinley as one of America's greatest presidents, and he has often cited McKinley as the inspiration for his policy of reciprocal tariffs.

You're Invited: The Murder of William McKinley and the British Creation of the Federal Reserve — Why It Matters Immensely Still Today
Leon Czolgosz shoots President McKinley with a revolver concealed under a cloth rag on September 6, 1901, depicted in an illustration by Achille Beltrame. Wikipedia

In 1901, President William McKinley was assassinated, the third U.S. President to be murdered in office in a span of only 36 years.

Today, President Donald Trump has repeatedly stressed his profound admiration for McKinley as one of America's greatest presidents, and he has often cited McKinley as the inspiration for his policy of reciprocal tariffs.

In a previous discussion of William McKinley's Presidency, we explored McKinley's achievements in building up the productive economy of the United States, including his policies of tariffs, bi-metalism, trade reciprocity and the expansion of a regulated national banking system — all of which were designed to increase the productive power of the U.S. economy and uplift the living standards and opportunities of the American people.

This Saturday, we shall look at the calamitous effect of the murder of McKinley by a British-steered assassin.

The Creation of the Federal Reserve

The assassination of McKinley in 1901 not only led to the reversal of his American System economic policies, but to a destruction of American economic sovereignty itself. 

Through a series of events, culminating in the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve, America was subjugated to the financial diktats and the anti-human precepts of British imperial finance. 

An alien oligarchical financial and banking paradigm was imposed upon the United States, a money-system which concentrated enormous wealth and power in the hands of a few.  The creation of the Federal Reserve was a direct product of McKinley's assassination.

Today, as intense discussion takes place regarding budget deficits, rebuilding the productive economy and dismantling the "administrative state," the lessons to be learned regarding both McKinley's achievements as well as what transpired after his death, provide critical insight as to the true nature of the current battle.  The Federal Reserve system could only be imposed on America over the dead body of William McKinley.

Join us this Saturday over Zoom

Join us this Saturday evening for a very timely discussion of the ramifications of the coup d'etat of 1901 and the opportunity which exists today to restore the Constitutional mandate to defend the General Welfare of All of the People of our nation.

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